Urgent weirdness!

<p>Okay so I got an invitation to the upenn open house today but i notice a second letter underneath mine that is identical to mine but for someone named sherry who lives in virginia!</p>

<p>they probably just got stuck together...same thing happened to me with a letter loyola sent</p>

<p>Who is sitting at home today and wishing she could have gone to Philly!! Hey Sherry......are you out there?</p>

<p>Same thing happened to me for MIT... except it was for the guy's online application status!</p>

<p>So did you notify anyone or just shred it? Come on now.....tell us the story.</p>

<p>Ahhh the open house is the same day as the first day of school for me!!</p>

<p>I haven't done anything. Am I supposed to notify? :confused:</p>

<p>Did you notify Penn such that they could send/phone/e-mail the Sherry from VA.....that would be an appropriate action from you. Let Penn know what happened.</p>

<p>Okay I will thanks :D</p>

<p>Sorry to hear you will miss your first days of school...too bad. Hope you love Penn and that you apply.</p>

<p>Do you think I should skip the first day and go to the open house? Is it worth it?</p>

<p>Well the first day is worth nothing at HS. Visiting Penn is good and you will have a story to tell on the subsequent day of HS. Have you seen Penn yet....visited when students are on campus??</p>

<p>Yeah, you can definitely miss a day of school to come to the U of P. In fact, missing a week or a month would be fine as well.</p>

<p>w.r.t to the MIt thing, I didn't do anything, I recycled the paper, but didn't notify anyone.</p>

<p>In retrospect, I also recieved someone elses financial aid update from penn, folded into the envelope of my own.</p>

<p>I remember it a philly local, cuz they got one of those philly-local scholarships.</p>

<p>I recycled it again.</p>

<p>kind of creepy.</p>

In fact, missing a week or a month would be fine as well.


<p>i missed a week :D</p>

<p>My HS had a policy where if you went on a college visit & got the admin officer there to sign a form, it didn't count as an abscence. You might want to call your HS and see if they have a similar policy.</p>