Urgently need advice?!

<p>Stupidly, I decided to take on a really challenging courseload this year. It includes 3 APs and 5 Honors classes. Now, this might not sound hard to handle to some of you (or even most of you), but for me it is. I also have a huge problem with procrastination.</p>

<p>The two classes I am having trouble with are Honors Precalculus and AP Economics (which I received a D and a C in, respectively). I am having so much trouble in both of them and will live a miserable existence if I have to continue in either of them. I can't understand either of them, but I can't drop a math class because I need the math credit but I COULD technically drop AP Econ since it's an elective and I don't need it to graduate.
Precal, if I switched to regular and got extra help, I'm sure I could start to understand it. But Econ on the other hand, I've tried getting extra help but NOTHING makes sense to me and it never will so I've pretty much given up on that class.</p>

<p>Here are my current options:</p>

<p>1) Drop AP Economics and switch into Regular Precalculus.</p>

<p>2) Stay in AP Economics and switch into Regular Precalculus.</p>

<p>(So basically, should I drop or stay in AP Econ, since I'll already have the disadvantage of taking a Regular Precalculus course as opposed to Honors Precalc?)</p>

<p>I'd really vastly prefer Option 1, but I'm worried that it would look really bad to colleges compared to if I picked Option 2.<br>
The good thing about Option 2 is that it wouldn't hurt me as badly at colleges to switch into a Regular math class and NOT drop a class.</p>

<p>But, is it worth sacrificing my sanity and picking Option 2 just so I won't be hurt as badly at colleges? Or is better to just do what I feel is better for me and not care what colleges think? I'm thinking top LACs here.
Which option would you pick if you were me?
(This is really urgent so you can just vote for an option without having to give me an explanation.)</p>

<p>Hmm…I would solely do what you can handle. If you dropped honors pre-calculus would you just take the normal class? If that’s the case I’d go with that option. However, I’d drop whatever you are struggling with the most.</p>

<p>^Eek, I just realized I completely screwed up the two options I listed in the post, and I just changed them. Haha, sorry about that. :confused: If that affects the advice you gave me at all, let me know.</p>

<p>Haha, no stay in AP Economics and drop honors pre-calculus. That’s what I’d do anyway, but only you know what would be the most beneficial to you.</p>

<p>seems like an obvious choice to me…you’re struggling in both, so drop the one & drop down for the other.</p>

<p>Well yeah it’s an obvious choice, but I’m also worried about it affecting my chances at colleges. Currently I’m leaning toward Option 1 as well. </p>

<p>Anyone else mind giving input?</p>

<p>I’m a bit desperate for more input…so annnyone, please?</p>

<p>It depends on where you want to apply.
Since AP Econ is an elective, it’s not really a big deal if you don’t take it. Dropping from honors precal is more of a bigger deal, but its better for you to drop down and understand it than to stick with honors and not understand it.</p>

<p>what are you planning to major? Is the pre-cal (or math) required? AP econ is elective and less impotant. I drop AP econ.</p>

<p>Drop AP economics and drop down to regular precalc. It is REALLY important to understand precalc concepts before moving on and you might as well get them down now rather than struggling in calc and so on. AP econ is not really important at all IMO.</p>

<p>Option One.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. After thinking about it, I have decided I am going to drop AP Econ. It’s an elective, and I don’t want an elective to bring down my other grades which are more important. That’s my reasoning for this decision.</p>