***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

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[asize=4][acolor=#008000]Decision: Accepted/Presidential Scholarship Finalist [/color][/size]
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FFA500]Decision: Deferred [/color][/size]**
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FF0000]Decision: Rejected [/color][/size]**

SAT I (breakdown): 1430 (720E 710M)
ACT (breakdown): 33 (Reading 32, English 32, Math 34, Science 34)
SAT II: Math II 740
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.87 but 4.91 weighted
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school does not rank
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP English Lit (5), AP Calc AB, APUSH (3), AP Physics 1 (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis): none
Senior Year Course Load:
Abstract Algebra (above AP), AP Bio, AP English Lit, Artificial Intelligence (Above AP), Honors Gov/Econ, Honors Engineering Design, Linear Algebra (Above AP), Mentored Research, Python Programming (Above AP), Robotics (Above AP)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NMSF


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): this is what was listen under common app activties section
spanish tutor, senior year
intl club member (secretary), junior and senior year
mental health 5k committee planning member, senior and junior year
varsity swimming, junior and senior year
NHS, throughout all of HS and some Jr high
varisty basketball, junior year
math club since 6th grade (senior sec and treasurer)
academic team

Job/Work Experience:
6 week cs research intern at german software engineering company btw junior and senior year
Volunteer/Community service:
biology lab assistant, senior year
Summer Activities:
see job/work experience

Essays (rating 1-10, details):
common app essay - 10/10 very confident in my essay that was concerning the topic about transition to adulthood as a summer cs intern in germany
supplemental essays - 9.5/10 why usc essay
5/10 essays for engineering college (wrote them an hour before deadline)

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: junior english teacher - waive right to read (assumably 9/10)
Teacher Rec #2: junio chemistry teacher - waive right to read
Counselor Rec: waive right to read (assumably 9/10)
Additional Rec: n/a
Interview: n/a


Applied for Financial Aid?: no
Intended Major: civil engineering (accepeted)
State (if domestic applicant): sc
Country (if international applicant): n/a
School Type: stem residential school
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Income Bracket: n/a
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none


Strengths: standardized tests, common app essay, why usc essay, senior course load, activities
Weaknesses: GPA, engineering college essays
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: essays and strong demonstrated interest in stem
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: accepted at clemson, deferred GA tech EA, still waiting to hear back from 7 schools

General Comments : I did this application (minus the common app essay and other CA parts) the night it was due for the most part which was super stressful but it is how i always do things. wasn’t expecting to get in, nonetheless be considered or scholarship, so i’m extremely excited and am headed to an explore usc day in march for an interview!

I have a question that I’ve seen on this forum but haven’t seen a direct answer for. I am a NMSF and received finalist for the pres. scholarship (half). I listed USC as my first choice on my NMF app and am fairly confident that I got finalist. Are all NMF guaranteed 1/2 tuition? Does the presidential stack or if I end up getting for NMF, do I just get 1/2 and not even have to go to the interview days in march???

“Are all NMF guaranteed 1/2 tuition?”

yes, BUT you can ONLY receive EITHER the NMF 1/2 tuition scholarship OR the 1/2 tuition Presidential Scholarship.

ATTENTION ALL potential NMSF’s- at THIS point, USC does NOT know if you will advance to NMF status NOR do they ask NMC if you have listed USC as your first choice until you have committed to the college you will enroll at by May 1.

AFTER the FINAL first choice selections have been received by NMC sometime in May- NMC then sends the list od students to the corresponding colleges.

"Does the presidential stack or if I end up getting for NMF, do I just get 1/2 and not even have to go to the interview days in march??? "
No and YES.


You have the opportunity, unlike MOST NMF’s, to be bumped up to a full tuition scholarship, but that can ONLY happen if you interview in March.
It happened to our son. It could happen to you too- but only if you interview.

I was one of the five kids from my high school accepted for Presidential! This was super unexpected and exciting (yay first acceptances) especially because I was deferred from Yale SCEA. What I noticed is that USC really does try to select a super diverse group. All five of us are different ethnicities and we had all applied for different majors.

I signed up for the march 8-9 one! lmk if any of u did too haha

Hey guys I was accepted into USC this week! For my 2nd semester courses, I am switching from AP Physics 2 into AP Environmental Science. Would this be enough to rescind my acceptance?

@therealdeal23 don’t you think it would be better to just call the school and ask rather than asking strangers? Right on your portal is a link to find your admissions counselor.

@marg928 Haha ya I did that first, just waiting on her email. I just wanted some additional input.

I’m sure you’re fine @therealdeal23 and congratulations!

@cgb2017 got in as an International Relations Major(Dornsife). I’m from Georgia.

Congratulations to all of you on here! And those who didn’t get in, keep your hopes up, and know that you’ll end up somewhere great. I’ve seen that even if people don’t get in to their first choice, they end up really happy wherever they go. Kinda bummed as I didn’t get in to USC this week, but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for March! Good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

Has anyone else been admitted into the Occupational Therapy major? Super excited for my trustee interview, and I hope to meet other OT majors :slight_smile:

Anyone attending the March 6-7 explore USC?

Hey guys! I was selected as a Trustee finalist and I’ll be attending Feb 23 and 24. Does anyone know of a thread for USC Merit Scholarship Finalists?

I’ll also be attending the 23-24 for the trustee scholarship.

@acrogymnast Cool! I made a thread for Trustee finalists: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/1959364-usc-trustee-finalist-thread-class-of-2021-p1.html?new=1

I haven’t heard about one that’s been made yet!

Ohh just kidding; I just saw @avisomani 's recent post.

Is anybody going for the 27-28? Trustee finalist over here

Mork family finalist ,going on 27.28.