USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

THANKS Much CADREAMIN! Means a lot.

Do 90% alum not get in cuz they know a large % will accept TTP which is essentially a really large scholarship by saving a yrs tuition even if they go abroad?

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First spring admit to post - that gives you many options to ponder!


School/Major: SCA Film Production
City/State or Country Orange County/CA
Were you deferred: NO
Will you attend? N/A

If rejected (and you feel like posting):
Let us know if you have mention of Trojan Transfer: YES
And are you legacy? Yes from Father and Grandfather

Add anything you want as well - like received FA inquiries this week in either case.
No FA inquiries
GPA 3.8 Lots of AP’s and Extracurriculars, part time job, Varsity water polo and swim

She can go abroad & bond w/ other Spring admits!

My DD rejected. We are from Texas. USC was her top choice at one point, but she’s actually totally fine with this. She was accepted to Plan II Honors at the University of Texas in February, and now, that’s where her heart is. It all works out. Congrats to everyone who was accepted!


D23 Chicago admitted Dornsife. So excited! #Fight On!


Son rejected.
4.0 UW/4.4W
From SoCal
1570 SAT
Eagle Scout
Lots of APS all 5s and one 4
Other ECs, etc. but no hooks
He has great options including UCSB, UCSD, and William and Mary Monroe Scholar
We haven’t broken into the top 25 schools so far. Waiting on all reaches, but it’s pointing to him being unlikely to get into those top ones.
Congratulations to everyone accepted!


My son was accepted. Also the financial aid stuff may be true. There was lots of financial aid pings this week. Wanted to share here since someone asked for people to come back and respond on that.


Yes - it is interesting! So much to think about!

Son rejected, OOS, no test, 3.9 unweighted, Dornsife, a few APs, good ECs and essays we think, volunteering, job. But he got Trojan Transfer so taking that as a small win! Not sure if he will pursue it but you never know!


OOS daughter Texas accepted for spring admission


For those with Trojan Transfer, this thread is still current on info as they plan hasn’t changed over the years - if you read through it, you can gain some more perspective on the program:

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Daughter got accepted for spring. Does anyone know if that prevents any sort of scholarship?


Viterbi/Mechanical Engineering
San Francisco /CA
Were you deferred: Yes

Let us know if you have mention of Trojan Transfer: Yes
And are you legacy? brother is a senior

3.93 UW GPA (dropped from 3.95 at EA application time), 1530 SAT/ 35 ACT (submitted ACT), decent EC’s: research, sports, leading clubs, accomplished martial artist, volunteering, part of a really cool club making planes.

UCLA is his best he has received. His brother commented last week that he will be attending a rival college. They already ended up attending two rival high schools:)


Major: Mechanical Engineering
Decision: Rejected
Legacy: Yes

Got infö below regarding TTP:

this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. If you decide that you still wish to explore a path to USC, consider applying for admission as a transfer student. Students may apply to transfer to USC after one year of strong academic work elsewhere. To learn how to plan your course schedule to be a competitive transfer applicant, please attend a Trojan Transfer Information Session in June. Reservations will be made available in your USC Application Portal in early May. Our transfer process is highly competitive, and while there are no guarantees of admission, I hope you will explore this option. I will email you more details in a few days.

No she didn’t hear anything since Roski was only regular decision. Did Roski admits get interviews before knowing their admit decision?

Amazing stats!

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LOL - First words out of her mouth! :rofl:

My son was accepted! Cinematic Arts from Massachusetts.