USC monitors CC

<p>they do it just to see the level of stress and concern and that is why they sent out those no scholarship letters</p>

<p>Oh no, this user just made a speling error. REJECT! REJECT!</p>

<p>Dear USC,</p>

<p>Just so you know,
I made it loud and clear on ALL POSTS that USC is my first choice! :)</p>

<p>I'm still wondering what prompted them to bring this up?</p>

<p>I have a feeling it was mentioned only in passing ("We've heard of CC") and ballooned into this ("They're watching our every move!"). Not much info has been given to discern otherwise...</p>

<p>It would be nice if they answered some of our questions or at least corrected us when we make wrong assumptions!</p>

<p>When are the next batch of letters going out? What does it mean if we received both letters? What does it mean if we have received no letters? Why don't you post acceptances online? Do we HAVE to send in mid-year requests? Why haven't we gotten in yet?!</p>

<p>Feel free to add other questions we want them to answer...</p>

<p>no he clearly stated they monitor it to see the level of stress..nothing more nothing less...they dont id ppl or stuff..unless they do and dont tell us</p>

<p>Level of stress? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! When I finally know what college I'm going to, I'll look back at CC at laugh at myself back in the days I was worried and anxious for no reason at all. People don't understand CC unless they're a college applicant who cares.</p>

<p>honestly. i don't even ever do forums and stuff but here i am, at cc. it's the college stress :(</p>

<p>haha stress? wow that isn't even the half of it. you're right cc411 I wish they would be better about answering our questions... what does it mean if you only go the no scholarship letter??</p>

<p>i wonder if they've realized that my cc id is the same as one of my usc user ids lol</p>

<p>haha yea my gateway id is "socks"</p>

what does it mean if you only go the no scholarship letter??


<p>Hmm, well maybe, just maybe it means exactly what it says. </p>

<p>Quoted from the letter:</p>

you are still being considered for admission to USC.



you were not selected for further consideration for either of these two scholarships


<p>and </p>

We will not have much more news for you about you application until late-March/early-April


<p>I mean, in my humble opinion it seems USC did its part in being explicit/clear/to the point in that letter. It's everyone here that is wildly speculating and engaging in conjecture. Sorry to pick on you, but if I read another one of these posts I think my head will explode.</p>

<p>Further, if they haven't requested a Mid-Year request from you, it means nothing. Many people (including me) have gotten in without receiving the request.</p>

<p>so why did they ask some of us with a second letter for the same information twice?......boom</p>

<p>no worries sfgiants, i know we've asked that a lot, it's just we weren't sure if two meant borderline, and one was good. or if two meant they want you more, and one meant they didn't care as much...</p>

<p>exactly....we're not trying to go in circles, but postage and mailing aren't free and sending two letters with the same request seems like it might mean something......and of course that's why we're all on cc sharing info.....maybe we can see a pattern or something</p>

<p>The message included in the no scholarship letter is not considered an "official" request for midyear grades. It's just part of their generic template and used as a friendly suggestion. They send this to everyone who didn't get offered a scholarship.</p>

<p>The separate letter IS considered an official request, and someone from the admissions office specifically flagged your application as them needing to see your Midyear Grades before making a final determination.</p>

<p>that makes sense, but how do we know the no scholarship letter is not an"official" MY grade request? because it looks pretty official..</p>

<p>Because someone on this board called and asked. </p>

<p>Also, think about it. If they thought it important, they would not have buried it in the last paragraph in a letter that a sizable number of students simply discard after reading the first paragraph. They dedicated all of one sentence to it it; easily missed by many applicants. Remember, the majority of applicants are not like CC people, examining every letter or communication for any subtle clue about their admission. </p>

<p>This is in direct contrast to the official letter in which they make it very clear that you should send in a midyear report. They dedicate an entire letter to it to make sure that you don't miss it.</p>

<p>They are not trying to trick you. They make the letters as clear as possible and yet people try to read too much into them and end up confusing themselves. I would hate to be USC Admissions.</p>

<p>I am being rather adamant about this because I find the assertion that USC is somehow at fault for not being more clear in their communication completely absurd.</p>

<p>so basically sfgiants you're saying that if we only got the no scholarship letter, we're not borderline?</p>