USC Scholarship Decisions

<p>Hi you guys
i got a letter from USC today
that basically said "thanks for coming to the explore usc program, we are pleased to welcome you to the marshall school of business, and we hope you will consider continuing your future at usc."</p>

<p>I was up for the trustee scholarship, does this mean that i didn't get it?</p>

<p>Do you live in California? I live in Delaware and interviewed for accounting for Marshall at explore, but did not get a letter like that yet.</p>

<p>yeah i live in california</p>

<p>its honestly nothing, cause my friend that interviewed for engine got a postcard...I guess Marshall is just late. Which session did u go to?</p>

<p>btw did u interview in bridge or the accounting building? The lady in the accounting building did not appear to like me much at all lol</p>

<p>ya i got that letter from marshall today too. i dont think it means anything
i also interviewed for accounting</p>

<p>Really, an admissions lady told me I was the only trustee for accounting... I was so excited... How did your interviews go?</p>

<p>haha osrry i guess i was unclear... i interivewd in accounting but am majoring in business admin.
it went pretty well. which session did u go to first or second</p>

<p>Yeah, I interviewed with Viterbi (engineering) for Trustee and about a week later I got a postcard-type thing from my 3 interviewers that just said "thanks for coming to Explore, congrats on being accepted to BME, we really hope you come here." I think that your letter was probably just something courteous like that, because I think that the scholarship decisions will be more clear-cut.</p>

<p>wen do scholarship decisions come out</p>

<p>DaBigChina- about your statement of being the only one interviewed for the scholarship. I suspect that the secretary meant that you were the only person on that day interviewing for Accounting trustees. Why would a school only interview one person for a scholarship? Also, I'm almost certain that the accounting department has more than one trustees scholarship to give out. They would have at least more than one candidate for each scholarship.</p>