USC Spring Admit 2021

What is housing like for spring admits?

@lalachicken55 The same options as for fall. Selection could potentially be a little limited, but it’s usually not an issue.

Will there still be the study abroad option for spring admits? If not, what happens then?

One thing at a time, they just eliminated summer abroad, they are probably looking forward but can’t make too many decisions with so much unknown. And it they don’t have it, or fall abroad for that matter, it is a domino effect that they have to adjust to…housing, acceptances, etc. They are certainly busy. But I can say, their handling and communication through all this has been stellar, best I’ve seen in my years there. Not that is was ever bad, their communication once a student is amazing, but given the circumstances I have to give kudos to the new prez.

@CADREAMIN is right USC housing is pivoting and adapting the best they can. The new Head of Student Affairs Dr. Crisp is wonderful too! Generally, housing staff are patient and understanding especially if you are kind. They have many less than polite calls. One of my Trojans worked in housing while in school, crazy stories!

Keep in mind for Spring, if you request housing for just yourself you will likely get one of your choices and might get into popular dorms New/North, Birnkrant etc… If you have a roommate you want to live with generally more suite/apt. style places have more spots for two. My Trojans have lived in New/North, Troy Hall, Century, Cardinal Gardens, Village, Flour Tower, Webb, Gateway (off campus) and private apts. They were fine with all of them. It works out!

My D is super excited to have been admitted and we committed to enroll today. It has been her dream school since she first visited and she is just thrilled to be a Trojan! She wants to do one of the study abroad programs, but if that doesn’t happen, she plans on staying with her grandparents in San Diego and going to CC there. It’s easier for her to move there since the local CC already has an articulation agreement with USC, versus staying in TX and wondering whether or not classes will transfer. Plus, she’s close enough to go to a couple of football games in the fall to get engaged in the USC community. What a huge blessing it is to be admitted to a school with so much opportunity! We are over the moon to be part of the Trojan family! Fight on! :v:?

@TheatreDadDFW Congrats to you and your D! So excited for her! Both plans sound great! Mine did a study abroad and I can help you with any questions if needed. Getting to be with Grandparents in lovely San Diego would be very special too. You are so lucky to have a front row seat on this amazing journey with her! Fight On!

@awaysgoing Thank you for the offer. We will take you up on it and I will PM you at some point this weekend. We just attended the Zoom presentation that USC had for the Spring admits and each of the study abroad programs made a short presentation about their school. It was very good.

For those who may be interested, they said that they admitted around 1,400 Spring admits this cycle and expect 300-500 to enroll. This 1,400 was included in the 9,500 of total admits for this cycle that they announced a while back. I’m not sure how that compares to past years, but just wanted to share this with the group.

@awaysgoing I would love to hear more about your Trojan’s experience in London; that is the one my son is considering if he decides to pursue his Spring admit.

@TheatreDadDFW I was on the zoom call as well and didn’t hear them say “ that they admitted around 1,400 Spring admits this cycle and expect 300-500 to enroll.“ Was that at the very beginning? I’m very curious how many of the 300-500 will get bumped to fall. Predictions?

Was fairly impressed with call overall. I’ll be SHOCKED if they are able to offer travel abroad programs.

@Suzanidy I asked the question in the Q&A area and that is what they replied back with, so I wanted to share it. They did not address it in the presentation. I was just curious, so I thought I would ask.

I am so glad the Zoom meeting went well! I had a London student and am also familiar with Paris, Lugano and Rome. Prague is new so no info there. For those considering going abroad, each study abroad has a unique experience with some opportunities that vary quite a bit. All should be considered in addition to location when making a choice.

With the COVID-19 situation worsening, some colleges like Boston University are proposing to not resume in-person classes until 2021. If this sadly becomes a reality for all colleges this fall, then the Spring Admit social adjustment to USC wouldn’t matter as much since everyone is arriving on campus at the same time.

Boston is east coast, a west coast school may have a different strategy… It all depends on numbers as well…what’s to say they don’t bump spring admits out to fall if they move fall? Who knows? Speculation till they put it out there…I’d love to see them back up this fall, not a fan of online education for these tuition rates.

@CADREAMIN If fall classes were to remain online, would we be subject to room and board payments?

Not if you aren’t living there.

@CADREAMIN I don’t think they could bump Spring admits to the following fall since people who decide to accept Spring admit at USC are turning down other schools’ fall offers in anticipation of being able to start in Spring one way or another.

Oh I don’t think so either, was just describing there’s a lot of doomsday scenarios that one could imagine. But then, they wouldn’t have room for all fall and spring admits at the same time unless a ton of people don’t commit which is unlikely at a school like USC. (Spring fill holes made by people leaving, study abroad (not happening) and early graduates, etc.) Lots of moving parts for them to work out so no need to speculate - only they have the numbers to work with. :slight_smile:

I am taking the positive approach and hoping to see students on campus this fall!

@Debbeut Are you talking about bumping Spring admits to fall 2020 or fall 2021? I was confused with what you meant by the “following” fall?

I meant I didn’t think they could bump them to Fall of 2021…sorry for the confusion!