USC Spring Admit 2021

Had the webinar today for next steps At Franklin University in Switzerland. They said they are still accepting applications till June 1st if anyone interested. Info is on the USC spring admits page.

Any other SCA spring admits here? And I actually love that I’m a spring admit because it gives me two more summers for internship opportunities before I graduate rather than one, and also will allow me to spend the whole summer and fall working (assuming places will be hiring) to save up some more money!

Anyone here a junior spring admit?? i really don’t know what to do

If you are a spring freshman admit and you opt to live in Gateway (or other off campus housing option) for the entire freshman year, thereby passing up any on campus housing offered to you for the spring semester, do you then lose the benefit of being offered on campus housing for future years? I feel like I read that somewhere once you turn down on campus housing, they aren’t obligated to offer you on campus housing for any year after that. Thanks for any insight!

when were you guys able to access your transfer credit report? they told me i can’t see it until orientation which is bad because i was admitted as a junior spring admit and need to make decisions on other schools (can’t afford to graduate late).

@WCWSM52 Yes there is no guarantee of housing going forward. You can apply but are at the very bottom of the list and won’t get it.

Hi everyone! I’m a sophomore transfer, spring admit, in SCA for Cinema & Media Studies. I’m very excited to be accepted into spring even though, like most of you I would have preferred fall admission. The only concern I have is obviously paying for the tuition which seems like a more legitimate issue now that I’ve actually been admitted into the school. Does anyone have any info on scholarships or merits USC offers to transfers and even spring admits? I know they have a transfer merit that they notify by June 1, but am not sure if they have already notified the recipients. I also received my FAST USC info but unfortunately was not eligible for any assistance :confused: I’m in a tricky situation being that most scholarships are aimed at students starting in the fall but just looking for anything that would help me in paying for my classes in January of 2021. Congrats to everyone admitted! Thanks.

Does anyone know if there are housing options that allow us spring admits to move in prior to the spring and not have to pay housing for the fall? On or off campus housing. Thanks.

@colemc12 Not sure what you are you asking? If there is free housing for the fall? There are no on campus options for spring admits in the fall (and maybe not in spring either) and off campus is typically a 12 month lease situation unless you want to pay more per month for a short lease like 9 months.

I guess I’m asking if some off campus apartments would allow us to lease from Jan-June. So we don’t have to pay for the fall.

There might be sublets available, there is a USC facebook page that housing available from individuals, that may be your best bet. Sorry I don’t have link handy, try checking around for that.

I just read the below from the USC Housing website. It looks to me that housing is now not going to be guaranteed for Freshman spring admits? At least that is how I am reading prargraph three. We are going to call and get some clarity on this, but just wanted to see if anyone else is reading this the same way. My D hasn’t gotten any commuication from the school yet, but I just found this when I was digging around on the website. Thanks!

Students admitted for the spring semester are welcome to submit a housing application. The housing information and procedures presented on the Application and Contracting Procedures pages for new students apply to spring applicants, except for the important differences noted below.

USC Housing will begin accepting online applications for Spring 2021 housing at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 on the application portal.

The university is still finalizing the structure of the fall which will have an impact on the format of the spring. Assignments in USC Housing will be limited and not guaranteed due to the ongoing and evolving virus mitigation efforts. Spaces are assigned on an application-date basis.

Students should review all university communications with regard to the in-person vs. on-line course instruction structure and make the best decision they can with regard to their housing options.

@TheatreDadDFW Oops just re-read so editing post! Ya it sounds like first come first serve. I would think they would try to accomodate, but let’s face it, they have no idea how this will play out, so it is easier to not guarantee, than guarantee and disappoint.

@CADREAMIN and @WWWard do you know the stats from last year as to how many spring admits were moved to the fall? Thx!

I do not recall exactly. Likely less than 100 in total. But it does happen… it just really depends on the program and how many spots open up.

Thank you. If anyone has more insight, esp for Journalism majors in Annenberg, please share…

Anyone admitted for spring get their uscid working?