UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Should I give up hope if I have no received a BHP interview? Seems pretty down to the wire at this point. Any updates?

Ds had interview yesterday. I think there is still hope.

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@cowboysfan212 @Ds66 Did you already get into McCombs?

I did and I am a Democrat. I wasn’t worried about explicitly saying “Dem” in my activities section but I was worried about writing about my political experiences/opinions in my essays. UT just happened to be one of the few schools where I was very upfront about my political opinions as they directly correlated to their essay prompt regarding changing the world.

Academia tends to be more liberal than conservative and Austin is a progressive city but it is always a risk to write about politics.

The key is to stay on prompt, stay true to yourself and your beliefs, and don’t offend anyone with what you are writing.


honestly, I’d never hold back on my political beliefs unless they are very extremist and openly against the school’s agenda, which most high school related political activities or just general viewpoints or not. the only scare is the small chance of having an extremist AO who is opposed to every one of ur beliefs, but I don’t think that’ll happen very often, and having an AO like that in office seems unlikely to begin with. ex: a friend of mine wrote openly about communism and toppling the oligarchy, got into Stanford. don’t stay away from political topics if you feel it is best for your application

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rejected deans in state non auto tday

research stuff includes: 1 paper under review, current research efforts on neuroscience & learning efficiency research, psychology & mental health research, humanitarian efforts with AI research, socioeconomic renewable research, research on a type of syndrome and eating disorders as well as a research internship at a t10 and a med startup. (research was like 2/3 of my resume)

but got into plan 2 which is only exclusive to now, and I have more chances to apply for dean’s so not really bummed out. I was non-auto with a relatively low GPA/class rank compared to the honors averages so it probably was what screwed me considering dean’s is the most competitive CNS honors

a question I did have is, when applying to CNS Honors as a freshman, will I need my HS transcript? as said earlier my transcript is probably the weakest part of my app, so I’d feel a lot more confident in my chances if I wouldn’t need to submit HS grades anymore

Deans scholar- Do you know of anyone who got it?
My son saw the portal today after we saw your post and were wondering how comepetitive is it?
Really dejected he didnt get 49 acres too

Yep, I was admitted to Northeast MBA program and wrote about being a small town preacher in my main essay. Universities want diversity and authenticity.

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In terms of competition, there’s about 4,000 applications for Dean’s/HSS/Polymath. They take less than 50 for each. Diversity, uniqueness, essays probably more important that stats, research, etc.

Thanks, wow :ok_hand:t3:. My son is not bad he is top 2% but just within the family if i compare him to my cousins daughter there is a huge difference. That girl is very hard working and has far superior stats than my son.
So i can see how AO make their decisions.
Till the time it is going to deserving canditate i am fine.


For those deferred from Turing, it’s out.

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For those of you waiting for housing, my daughter already received her housing contract today


Is a contract only for committed students? I have not accepted my offer yet because they have not sent me any financial aid info. How can I commit without knowing the cost?

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Yes; you will get a housing contract only after you accept the offer and the enrollment deposit is paid. They release the housing contracts on 1st and 15th of the month. My son also received the contract today. We wont know which residence hall and rooms assigned until June 1st. You also have to pay $300 advance deposit in order to access the contract signature page. We have time until March 15th to sign the contract (I assume before they release the next batch of contracts).

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UT seems to assume that cost doesn’t matter to people who go there. We are in the same boat.

We received the housing contract today as well

My daughter didn’t get into Moody Honors which would have made it okay with her. She does not want to go to UT at all now, but I told her to not say no yet just in case since we have until May.
When do final costs come through so we actually have something to compare apples to apples??

This is what is so frustrating to me. How am I supposed to commit to UT when I don’t even know how much its going to cost? I have a full scholarship to two other schools but I’d rather go to UT, but not at full price. So I risk not getting a dorm by not committing but they won’t tell me my cost.

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have you contacted them directly?
my daughter just got the email this evening and I didn’t ask her about if anything is on their yet about costs.
i might call them tomorrow.