UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

i thought the enrollment deposit was $200?

Just got financial aid info.

We got the financial aid (or lack thereof lol) notice today as well.

Kind of got the wind knocked out of our sails because out of nowhere, randomly this week, TAMU awarded my son $5000/yr renewable Mays Deans Scholar Award on top of the $1000/yr grant they already gave him. TAMU is also giving us $3500 subsidized loan/$2000 unsubsidized.

Wasnā€™t expecting anything from UT scholarship wise but Iā€™m really surprised that they are the only school out all 7 of his acceptances that is making all $5500 of the Federal Loans unsubsidized.

He REALLY wants to go to UT, but damn, that TAMU offer is looking better and better by the minute :confused:


My son successfully submitted an appeal to change his major back in November, but it was after he applied yet before he was accepted, so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s less likely after acceptance.


We just got the offer today too, and Iā€™m feeling the same. And A&M came in with some extra $ for my son today, too. Iā€™d heard not to expect any scholarships from UT, but thereā€™s always that hope. Surprisingly, Trinity (a private school, so a more expensive price tag) has come in much cheaper for us than UT or A&M, and Baylor nearly so.


Wow! Congrats - TAMU is a great school and even greater if itā€™s mostly free! Itā€™s nice to go somewhere that makes you feel wanted.
Do we know if all UT scholarship decisions would be included in the package today or if there are still decisions being made? Meaning if there isnā€™t much in todayā€™s package do we conclude that sheā€™s not being offered any scholarships this year?


Does anyone know if itā€™s possible for major-specific scholarships to come out later? My son is admitted to McCombs and Plan II, and I know both do have their own scholarships they can award, though I understand theyā€™re more likely to go to upperclassmen. So I guess Iā€™m asking whether this financial aid offer we received today is the best itā€™s going to be, or is it possible for there to be more coming?


I think department-specific scholarships can still come out, and Iā€™m not 100% sure but I donā€™t think the Texas Exes scholarships have been announced yet. I asked a friend who is a reviewer for them and Iā€™m awaiting her response.


We got too.
Only loans and with those, it is difficult to pass on Purdueā€™s offer of giving a 22K annual scholarship and grant. OOS there as well.


A reviewer for the Texas exes scholarship says that her portion of the scholarship process isnā€™t due until April, so seems like there is still some hope for scholarships.


For the majority of career paths from undergraduate business school, there is no difference between UT Austin and A&M graduates. If your son has an interest in Investment Banking or a top tier consulting firm (like an MBB), there can be doors opened with a degree from Texas that arenā€™t opened with a degree from A&M. I know this for a fact from my career. In most cases, a free (or close to it) degree from A&M is better than going into serious debt to attend Texas.


Camp Texas dates are now up on their site! All in August. Is it still enjoyable to do this fun camp in Texas August heat?

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We should hear back latest by 1 Apr.

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I think Camp Texas dates have always been in August. My UT22 son went in August 2018 and enjoyed it. I will encourage my UT27 son to attend as well.

My son only got loans in his FAN as well. He qualifies for a specific endowed scholarship and emailed to ask the status of the scholarship since it wasnā€™t included. Here is the response from the Financial Aid Scholarship Team:

The scholarships department has not started to award for the 2023-24 aid year. You will receive notification once these awards start posting.


Can I ask which endowment? Are you meant to apply for those as an incoming freshman?

TexasExes scholarships are external, so they wonā€™t show up on the FAN.

Iā€™d rather not say the specific scholarship, but itā€™s one from the list at the link below. My older son received it, and weā€™re hoping my younger son will too.

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Actually he currently have Econ at Liberals arts as auto-admit ā€¦where business his first choice.
He will appeal for business. Could you tell how does he submit a letter of recommendation from a non-academic person, someone who he worked with as part of a job? Should he ask that person to send a letter to Admissions office, UT Austin and also upload a scan pdf? We are little unsure. Please advise if you have any insight.

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We did not need to submit a letter of recommendation and I am not sure if you can submit new information other than what you write for the appeal. You can add the job information if that is net new i.e. if that information was not included earlier, is new and you think it will make a difference. Hope this helps. You might want to call the Office of Admissions to see if you can add attachments.

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If you donā€™t mind, could you share your sonā€™s stats
gpa, rank, sat/act, and ecs
Thank you.