UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hello! Is anyone familiar with the Elevate ME reception through Walker School of MechE? What should we expect? Dress code? Thanks!

Received an email today for knowing our plans with regard to accepting our offer.
Is it a marketing mail or specifically for people who haven’t yet committed?

I think this just helps with Planning. We got this from other schools too.

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Has anyone been informed about Canfield BHP scholarship?

People have heard back. I reached out to one of the program coordinators and they said all the BHP scholarships have been distributed. She said that they may continue to give some out until May 1st as people reject their offers and commit to other schools.

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Thanks! Do you know they sent out through emails or mails?

I see that students register for classes during their New Student Orientation over the summer. Is it therefore advantageous to go to an earlier New Student Orientation?

has anyone learned anything about the Jefferson Scholars program and whether it’s worth applying to or if it adds a ton of work?

Email I’m pretty sure. The scholarships also showed up in CASH (the financial aid portal).


Maybe but it depends on the classes they plan to take and how picky they want to be about days/times/locations/professors. During add/drop period it will all get shaken up again if they don’t get their first choice during the first round of registration.

What would make it “worth applying to” for you? I assume you’ve read a description of the program (link below). My son is interested in it because he will be majoring in a science but wants to have a well-rounded college experience that also includes the humanities.

I don’t know that it provides any scholarship dollars or makes one more employable after graduation, but it could contribute to being a well-educated citizen.


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It does seem like a lot of the students who do Jefferson Scholars are STEM and feel it rounds out their education.
I don’t think my daughter is thrilled with the idea of the LLC but I don’t think that’s mandatory to live there.

I like that the program gives some direction in terms of selecting classes that fulfill core requirements.

If there was a monetary award involved that would really make it appealing but o didn’t read anywhere that there was. I shouldn’t have used the term “worth it.”


@billythegoldfish I also like that the classes are smaller and discussion-based, not large and lecture-based like many classes at UT. It seems students will have opportunities to interact directly with professors.

It looks like they offer some scholarship funds for study-abroad programs. There’s also an activity fund to offset cost of attending cultural events.


Curious what makes you think that about STEM. I may not have read it well. It seems like it wouldn’t allow you to take your science classes the first year.

Did anyone recently receive appeal decisions?


Has anyone accepted their financial aid package (for my daughter it’s all loans), even though you are not 100% committed to UT (pending other university scholarships)? Does anyone know if it’s a good idea to accept the financial aid package now? Worried if we don’t, it will get cancelled. Emailed the school, but pending a response, just wanted to know if anyone else is in the same situation.

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Same situation for us. Please share what you find out. We were wondering the same thing. She still has several schools to hear from, so she doesn’t want to commit yet.

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Front page

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Nothing yet. Portal still says ‘in review’. I’m assuming they will be released on March 31st, but that’s just a guess.

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