UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Got an email for New Student Orientation registration. Just curious: Is every admitted student getting this email or only those who have enrolled? My D23 had enrolled

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I got it too, but haven’t enrolled.

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Officially, the web page states (with some caveats) that there is no advantage of being in earlier group of new student registration as every group has certain number reserved in freshmen classes. But I heard from an existing student you get more chances to register your first choices if it is available after the following groups registration. However registering as soon as it opened at 1 PM gives you better probability of getting Early Housing Accommodation or the Experiential Orientation programs if you are one of those few who may be interested in coming a day early,

Are the CBHP scholarships for in-state students only, if out of state students are eligible, what is the amount per year, is it fixed or varies?

My son got the email and he has not enrolled.

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They said that the fin aid notification will expire within 30 days of the offer, but the loans won’t be cancelled. The loans would not be cancelled unless they are cancelled by the student or if the student declines admission.



i think they all come out on April 1


Is there anyone else attending the CNS Honors Open House next week? March 31. Trying to connect with others in that group. No luck on facebook and I don’t have instagram or twitter. Thanks

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Is it too late to appeal for change of major as incoming freshman?

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Looks like the deadline to appeal was March 15.

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Thank you! Actually, I wanted to add a 2nd major in a diff school but looks like that can only happen as an internal transfer.

Does Moody have a higher GPA requirement for CAP students? I thought I read somewhere that they did, but now I can’t seem to find it. Also, even though your daughter was a CAP student, did she have to apply to Moody as a transfer?

I don’t know if they have a higher GPA requirement. She went into it knowing she was up against a competitive pool of applicants, so she finished her 30 required hours with all A’s and 1 B. She did not have to apply as a traditional transfer if memory serves. Basicially in Spring, the advisor reached out to verify she was on track with CAP requirements and checked to see if she wanted to apply outside of COLA. It was a simple process from what my daughter remembers, I think the advisor sent a link to complete. She had to write 1-2 additional essays but that was the extent of it. She was notified of acceptance to Moody in mid-June for the Fall term. She had a friend in CAP with her that was accepted to McCombs as well by applying outside COLA that same semester.

Apr 1 is a Saturday. Hence we might hear only by Apr 3 (Monday).


May be this Friday.


UT does always after the weekend it seems. So appeals on Monday. I know it’s very very unlikely to get appeals accepted.

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Admissions on phone today said they were planning to get majority of appeals out by 4/1. Anyone heard anything?

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Appeal decisions might come today evening!

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i called them as well and they said they would definitely be out by tmrw evening even tho it’s a saturday but she did hint that it’s very possible that it could come earlier