@AtmAustin12 another English major acceptance!!! I’m so nervous. Did they release your decision at 8? Or should I not bother refreshing after office hours?
i Just got into the College of Eduation for Exercise Science
I got into my dream school!!! 3.83 42 hours COLA gov!!!
Sorry! My stats
3.84 GPA
Strong essays
2 LORs
Texas State athlete
Happy for everyone! happy more decisions are released! I hope mine is released soon!
Is it a bad sign that the COLA majors are getting their acceptances and mine is still in review? they should really educate us on how this process of receiving your answer goes.
@hanjhutch honestly I’m not sure when they updated my eid, but I got the email at 7.
I feel like im one of the few cola majors thats waiting still
I got in!!! CNS medical lab science
4.0 GPA 32 credits
@eastcoastlivin me too! @IAJ2019 when did you get your email?
@LonghornFam an Congrats! May I ask, did you apply for BS or BA? I’ll have to wait for my decision in late December or early January since I’m technically a freshman until this semester is over.
I just got accepted into Education! - Physical Culture and sports
GPA: 3.71 31 credits
2nd time applying
@sethookem when you say you “just” got accepted, did you get the email earlier? Or just now?
I received the email first and then checked my status.
@sethookem just wondering what time it was that you got the email
Just got in to education exercise science at 7 pm!!!
I still haven’t got my decision, my major is COLA anthropology
I’m still in review, applied for CNS
@camrodriguez congrats!!!
Looks like everyone that didn’t hear today is next wave. Probably Wed.