<p>Hi! I'm looking to major in film.</p>
<p>I'm looking at USC (<3) and NYU and RISD--but I'm also wondering about UT Austin and Emerson. They both look okay, but they're not as exciting as NYU and USC were to me. Can anyone tell me more about the schools?</p>
<p>I'm really interested in how easy it is to get a job after graduating (I've heard about the Emerson Mafia, but I think Austin also has a semester in LA option??).
Also which is best for letting you choose your courses, teaching you everything you need to know, which has better professors, and then any other general things like food, living on/off campus.......really anything. Even if your cousin's ex-girlfriend hated a certain professor at either school, that is information I would like to know.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>