UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

anyone applying to McIntire have inquiry denied yet?

Yes, the instate privileges. I didn’t see it before on the application or checklist and then got emailed a couple of days ago that it needed to be done.

Another item popped up in my to do list saying I needed to provide proof of being registered w Selective Service saying it “is required for us to complete your financial aid offer”. Anyone else get this?

That’s a good sign. that means you got in because when they asked my brother for that it was because he had got in and they’re preparing your package. Lucky!!

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Hey guys, I’m a bit late (I just found this site) but I saw that I got inquiry access denied and reading on here it looks like that might be a good thing? here are my stats if you’re interested:

School: Big state school in Virginia (I’m an in-state resident)
GPA: 3.75
Applying for 2nd year fall (College of arts and sciences), Bio/Premed
ECs: Only stuff from HS but I didn’t really do much there
Essays: Honestly meh, wrote them kinda last minute
HS GPA: 3.68w, 3 APs + Gov School spanish
No recs (I tried so hard but it didn’t work out :frowning: )

Looking on here it sounds like I might have gotten in with the inquiry access thing but I wanted to see what you guys think!

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We have very similar stats, me and you, except that I’m at a community college. Good luck!

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Looking at your other responses on here you look like a really intelligent, great person. UVA would be really lucky to have you!

Does anyone else have notifications in their to do list? I’m being asked to submit my tax forms. I also have inquiry access denied.

I don’t have anything in my to do list, and I have inquiry access denied. I also didn’t apply for aid this year, I believe they processed my FAFSA from last year, so that might be why. I believe @wahootransfer said something about having stuff in their to do list!


I can’t believe I’m drinking the kool-aid on “Inquiry Access Denied”, but I don’t see it on my portal and I’m distraught.


Lol. its like 95% accurate indicating acceptance but I don’t have it either so I feel that

For those of you who got “Inquiry access denied,” when did you submit financial aid?

i submitted both css and fafsa in like december

Interesting, I submitted mine few days before 4/1. That’s probably why mine hasn’t updated yet.

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Has anyone from OOS or applying to McIntire received access denied?

I’m applying to McIntire but I don’t see anything.

Also I submitted my fafsa last year, and my css profile on the 1st. Does that have anything to do with sis.

Yeah CSS is part of your financial aid package. It seems like for those who submitted that late aren’t going to see inquiry access denied anytime soon.

No, I’m in state.

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Is anyone seeing test scores and also seeing inquiry access denied?