UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

Starting thread for those who are on the Class of '25 WL. Good luck!


My son sent in a letter of continuing interest over the weekend and received a response yesterday that read in part:

The waitlist is unranked, and students who accept a spot on the waitlist will receive a final admissions decision sometime in June.

That seems better than the July 31 end date stated in his decision letter.

Did he include updated grades or just an email?

He sent an email reiterating his intent to enroll if admitted and highlighting positive achievements since his application.

Hi all! I recently applied to UW Madison, in state, with these stats: 27 act (29 superscored), 3.87 GPA, tons of volunteer work, 2 jobs, and I also applied for biology in the college of letters and science. I was waitlisted and I am absolutely heartbroken because I have wanted to go to Wisconsin my whole entire life. I am working on a LOCI but I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to how to get off of the waitlist. It is my dream to be a badger any any advice helps!

Hi everyone! I also was waitlisted at UW-Madison OOS with a 1430 SAT, 4.5 GPA, good unique essay, and (hopefully) good teacher recommendations, as well as 13 AP classes, and 4 years varsity soccer. I’m sending a LOCI and my updated grades, but I’m not sure what else to send.

Does UW-Madison accept additional teacher recommendations as well?

Also, does anyone know what email we should send updates to our application to?

the general onwisconsin admissions one that’s on their website is where you’d send it.

Also telling them you would definitely attend Wisconsin if you were admitted (if that’s true) probably doesn’t hurt. They want kids right now who want to go there.

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to ask if anyone submitted an ACT if they were waitlisted.

Yes, my son submitted his ACT but with his application

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Looking through WL threads from past years, it looks like UW-Madison released some WL decisions before May 1, even though in the decision letter it said people would be notified after May 1. What do you guys think, will that happen this year?

So much if it depends on whether accepted kids are responding to offers now or waiting until May 1st to accept or decline.

Has anyone emailed admissions?

Know lots of anxious people yet what will admissions say?

The deadline to accept and pick housing is 5/1 … so they only know number who have chosen to officially decline and they aren’t going to probably share that …

The waitlist adds are rolling … they all don’t come out on one day …

Some people hear in May, some as late as July historically and then scramble if want to go … sometimes no room in dorms so look to alternative housing …

While hard to “wait”, alas that is the deal with a waitlist and it is deep this year.

Always hear to make other plans, have a backup and if get in, great and if not, you have a landing spot.

Everyone uses the cliche “it all works out for the best” … in the long run, seems like a true statement often.

Good luck :+1:

Does anyone know if Road to Wisconsin students can join greek life?

Does anyone know if Road to Wisconsin students can join greek life??

Feels bad with the waitlist, it is like a rejection but with hopes of getting in. It is a tough time waiting and I already wrote 2 LOCI and sent another recommendation of my teacher to Madison. Hopefully I can get some good news in May from Madison.

Are you in-state?

No, I am International student

studying in Kansas

How deep is the waitlist? I thought Wisconsin didn’t release data about their WL. Maybe you have inside information?!?