UW Madison Waitlist 2022

Realized there isn’t a thread for the waitlist yet. Let’s suffer together!

Waitlisted and bummed. 3.7 UW / 3.9 W, 31 ACT, tons of ECCs, great letters, legacy student x 3, etc. Anyway. Madison has been my first choice since I was in elementary school and I know not many wait listed students get in. Does anyone know the % who do? And how does it work with other schools. Can I say yes to hanging out on the wait list at Madison and still accept at other schools in the meantime, just in case?

Yes you can still accept other schools while on the waitlist. I know how you feel… I have a 4.1 GPA and 1450 SAT with well above average ECs…I don’t think there’s a set % for admitted students off the waitlist, it fluctuates significantly every year

Thanks. Where else are you accepted / considering?

I got into UT Austin, WashU, Illinois, Purdue, Texas A&M, Florida, and UC San Diego. I’m currently waiting on UMich and Berkeley but after this waitlist I feel a bit discouraged. Where else are you considering?

You got into great schools. Congrats. I’m accepted at Purdue, Butler, Penn State, Minnesota, Pepperdine, CalPoly. Of those, Minnesota has the best ranked business program, but I’m not sure what I want. Madison was my first choice, I just don’t feel good about the the wait list.

I’m a business major as well! Perhaps Wisconsin’s incoming business class was especially competitive this year. Your stats are very good, I think you have a good shot. Are you an out of state applicant?

Yes, I’m OOS. From CA. You?

I also got waitlisted tonight, and I am in shock. I’m from California, and applied as a political science major. My SATs were 1490 (760 math, 730 English). My overall GPA was 3.8 weighted (4.5 first semester of senior year), but I have very valid excuses (which I thoroughly explained). Plus I attend the top 60th public high school in America, so the courses are especially challenging to begin with. My extracurriculars stand out. I’ve done lots of volunteer work, and have been the head counselor at a summer camp. I spent last summer interning for a U.S. Congress member in Washington, D.C. (she wrote me an outstanding letter of rec), and in my application I expressed my desire to run for Congress someday. UW Madison was one of my top choices, and I never would have imagined I wouldn’t get accepted. I guess I underestimated how difficult it is to get into college. Really hope they accept me from their waitlist!! And good luck to the rest of you!!

Where can I view admission decisions? I have been deferred from EA round. Is it out for RD yet?

@StressedSeniorInt You can view your admissions decision on your MyUW portal (my.wisc.edu). Decisions for the RD cycle will be coming out this weekend on a rolling basis. Some students have received their decisions, some are yet to hear back (including me). Good luck!

@Emery4Justice Your profile is amazing, and you seem very passionate about your goals! I’m surprised that you were waitlisted. I wish you all the best and hope to see you this fall at Madison!

The portal shows that I can choose classes already? Is that a glitch? Or does that have any indications of admission decision?

@StressedSeniorInt That isn’t a glitch… It’s a new section that has been added to every portal. I wish I could tell you that it indicates admission, but it doesn’t. It has nothing to do with your admissions chances.

Following along. My daughter was waitlisted yesterday too. She was actually hoping to get in and then defer a year but now may have to consider going in fall if she comes off the waitlist.

Remember that UW uses unweighted grades.

@jam7000 same here. Texas.

@aps510 Thanks :slight_smile: And you too! Good luck!!!

Just got waitlisted by UW. Major: CS

Can anyone offer advice on how to improve my chances of getting off the waitlist? My decision letter states that I can supply additional materials for consideration. What are some examples of these “additional materials”? Should I send these materials through email or snail mail?