Update on the waitlist

<p>The admissions folks said they would be making waitlist admissions--if any-in June through direct contacts. So stay tuned if you are still waiting to hear. If you get a call/email you might want to return it.</p>

<p>I got a positive reply !</p>

<p>what did he say to you?</p>

<p>That there was still some spots available in the freshman class for the fall semester 2011 and that I was one of those.</p>

<p>Wow!! Congrats!!! My son is praying for a call or an e-mail!! Do you know how many people they will take from the waitlist?</p>

<p>Apparently, people accepting their offer from the waitlist will have no housing. They will have to find housing by themselves. At least, that’s what they said when I called them. </p>

<p>As a International student, I’m not sure if this is a “rule” used by all the US universities… but I find it harsh.</p>

<p>There are several nearby private dorms with space and they can be just as good as the school owned dorms. Generations of UW students have used them and some prefer them.
Lucky, Regent, Pres House, and Statesider are the larger and better known of them. There’s a list on the UW site too I believe.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many they will be calling from the waitlist? Barrons, sounds like the above are international students so will they be making other offers in June?</p>

<p>All I know is what I said above.</p>

<p>Thank you Barrons!</p>

<p>Thanks! It is so hard being patient and also hard on my checkbook. I guess that is the sacrifice of allowing my son to go on the waitlist for Madison. Had to pay out a hefty deposit for housing and plan travel to new student orientation this summer to college he accepted to and is planning on going to. Wish the answer was sooner than later. I think I need a parent with kids on wait list support group!!! :)</p>

<p>I agree and it seems like a long time to make those decisions form the 5/2 reply date. I believe they don’t pre-rank those on the waitlist but it would seem some ranking would need to be done sooner or later–or maybe it’s just the luck of the draw. I think I’ll ask that question on the admissions Facebook page.</p>

<p>All waitlist students are re-evalauted based on whatever new info they provided including updated transcripts. I would expect this is the number 1 item. No info on numbers to be taken, if any.</p>

<p>west coast students are in school till 6/22 with no hope of providing second semester grades on an official transcript before wait list decisions are made.</p>

<p>East coast schools too.</p>

<p>Latest update from my son’s admission counselor: They have not decided if they will turn to waitlist and were to decide this past week. She reassured him that no one has been offered a spot from the freshman undergraduate waitlist at this point in time.</p>

<p>Well I got in and I was on the waitlist. But I am an International Student, maybe that’s the difference?</p>

<p>Tim, It must be different for international students. Did you get both an e-mail and a call when invited from the waitlist? Did your UW application status change before you accepted the offer?</p>

<p>I just got an email.</p>

<p>Thhanks so much!</p>