UW Class of 2025 Waitlist

No insider info - just applying simple math.

They did acknowledge 17% increase in applications was last data heard.

The campus did not get bigger so they have to either outright declined more or waitlisted more … odds are both.

The can’t accept a similar ratio of 17% more applicants as the school doesn’t have the facilities or faculty available for a bump that substantial in one year,

More have to be declined or waitlisted this year has to be the case.

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But the yield rate will probably be a lot lower than normal because everyone applied to a lot more schools as they weren’t able to visit as many, so it seems likely that they may take more people from the waitlist than they normally would do. I don’t know if the waitlist is longer than normal or not.


what is LOCI?

Has anyone heard any other info?

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I applied to the SOB and got waitlisted. are there chances of being a direct admit if I get off the wl?

First … no one can know for sure of course so please know always a chance, right?

That being said, I wouldn’t count on it 100% either.

Some who applied and were accepted EA and RD are on the SOB waitlist yet were accepted to UW.

Perhaps you accepted yet put on SOB waitlist or accepted pre-business?

I applied to bba:marketing under the regular decision. my decision letter simply states that I am on the waitlist and that 30% of the waitlisted candidates get admitted every year.

Okay so I just went to submit the wait list update form and when I push the button to submit the form nothing happened, except the button changed from dark blue to light blue. Has this happened to anyone else, or was anyone able to actually submit it?

My son said the same thing, we assume that means submission.

Ok, thats kind of what I was thinking too

Although when he logged back in to check it was all gone. Great. He spent an hour on that stupid essay.

Do you guys think that they could release any acceptances this weekend?

Did anyone else just get an email? Mine says I have a place to provide an additional essay, grade updates, and test scores.

yeah they sent that to everyone

Yes, my son did that and submitted it. But as said above the color of the button changed and you couldn’t submit it again. He asked me to check and I assumed it meant it was submitted. When he clicked on the link again all of the responses where gone which concerns me that it did not in fact go through and of course he has no copy of what he just wrote.

so I mailed them on the 4th of may asking how do I update my file with new grades. they told me to wait for 14 days due to the huge number of mails they’ve been receiving. I then mailed them on the 20th and they responded with a link to a ‘webform’ to update my file. as everyone here, I too was unable to press the submit button as the colour changed to a faded blue one and that was probably because I tried to submit this after the 15th of April. I mailed them for the third time and they told me to simply mail them my optional essay and new updated grades and that the same will be added to my file. all this was done on the 20th of April, but I too recieved a mail from them yesterday saying I can fill in the ‘webform’. though I recieved a confirmation I am still confused :confused:

*4th of April

Does anyone think there may be some waitlist movement in the next week?

not before 5/5

A guess or did you talk to the admissions office?