UW Housing Preferences

<p>I'm trying to decide between Hagget Hall and McMahon because its got the most 'private bathrooms'. what are some of the pros and cons of both of them and which would be the easiest to meet people?</p>

<p>Honestly dude don’t pick your dorm based on the bathrooms. You’re going to be sharing with people regardless!</p>

<p>McMahon is not a cool dorm because it’s in cluster format which means you basically live in a big apartment with more people. Not much of a coed spirit either it sounds like.</p>

<p>And Haggett is alright, north campus is always a bonus. </p>

<p>McCarty and Terry hall are probably the best ones for social aspects followed by Lander and Haggett.</p>

<p>aren’t there new housing buildings going up that incoming freshmen will be able to use-it’s what i heard at least.</p>

<p>zack, i guess ur right the the bathrooms thing, but my bro went 2 lander and after 6 months he just had to get out because everything was just so messy. He had a great time tho, he also found his best friend in lander too, but he said he ammenities at the dorm were something that i should be worried about :S</p>

<p>What do you mean when you say there’s a lack of coed spirit in mcmahon? I put that as my first choice.</p>