UW Madison: 2nd Choice Major on Common App

Common App makes it compulsory to submit 2 choices of major. The 1st choice is LAS (Undeclared). How can we indicate that there is no 2nd choice as my daughter wants to explore few majors within LAS before selecting one.

If it wants 2 then I would put 2. I would move the undeclared to a second choice and then pick a major within the LAS that is not direct admit but is perhaps in the sphere of interest that you would consider.

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Their admissions site says

All students are initially admitted into the university and not into specific programs and majors. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission into a specific major program or college. In all cases, admission to intended majors is a separate procedure, application, and/or review process.

so it appears that it doesn’t really matter. I’d probably pick another major in the same college.