UW-Madison Admission Concern Letter

I was admitted to UW-Madison in the Early Action cycle back in December. Due to senioritis, I bombed my IB exams as I did not put much effort into it. I dropped approximately 5 points from my predicted and I lost all of my 5 points in my HL subjects. I then received the following letter from UW-Madison:

"We have recently reviewed your final grades and noticed a decline in your academic performance since your admission to UW-Madison. Changes to your curriculum and/or declining grades can result in your admission being revoked.

Although this decline in your grades is a cause for concern, we believe that you will be a good fit on our campus, and we have elected to sustain your admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We want you to be as successful as possible as a student here. In preparation for your arrival on campus, we encourage you to address and resolve any issues that may be related to this decline in performance……"

So I was wondering should I write a letter addressing this concern letter, and if I should what all should I include in it?

Wow. Be sure you never slack like that off again. Lesson learned. No need to reply- you are still in and have been warned that you need to treat college seriously and do the work.

My son slacked off his HS senior year but still performed highly on AP exams years ago. No letter like yours. Nothing for you to say in a letter. Your fall semester performance will be what keeps you in school at UW. I suspect sending out such letters helps students realize they need to do the work and not presume they can get by. No partying instead of studying for you- you showed your grades can slide dramatically if you slack off. Plus your knowledge base is less than it would be if you had learned the senior year material- this means you may have to work harder than you otherwise would have.

Once you start college your HS record will be ancient history. But- your knowledge and skills base from HS will help you in college.