UW-Madison Chancellor's Scholarship

<p>I am so sorry, my posting is messed up tonight, ignore the repetition! :D!</p>

<p>Thanks for replying. You have great grades and scores! Oh, and excellent extra-curriculars. It's easy to see why you got in. Stanford would also be nice. I think they waive tuition if you are in need. I know I am. I just hope I get into this program, I know I'll go if given the opportunity!</p>

<p>Congrats dpl. My son missed a call from Mercile about 15 minutes after your post. Hopefully it is good news. What rez are your from? What would you study at Madison if you came here? (we live in Madison, I moved here from Oklahoma to go to grad school)</p>

<p>Biomedical Engineering. </p>

<p>I'm from the Chippewa Lac du Flambeau reservation; it's in Northern Wisconsin. </p>

<p>Yes, hopefully it will be good news! She left me a message, did she leave him a message as well (I assume)? </p>

<p>Good luck and keep us updated!</p>

<p>Yes, she left a short message. He returned her call about 9pm and got the answering machine for the assistant vice chancellors office (hers) and left a message. He hasn't heard back yet. </p>

<p>Like I said, we are from Oklahoma (Shawnee/Lenape Tribes). I came to Wisconsin for graduate school to do research on wild rice population ecology. I did most of my work in and around LCO, and worked at Bad River and Mole Lake, so I at least know LdF as drive-through country. I help start a precollege summer program based out of LCO college about 15 years ago to find students that would be good fits for UW-Madison. It is exciting to meet you and know you might be coming to school down here. </p>

<p>My son is accepted to Engineering Mechanics-Astronautics. However, right now his first choice is UMinn. The Chancellors would probably sway him to Madison, so I am hoping.</p>

<p>dpatz, I spent a number of wonderful vacations at a friends cabin on Lac du Flambeau. It is truly "Gods Country." One thing that Wisconsin has done is developed some wonderful programs for under-represented minorities to adjust to and thrive at UW. It has been very successful. I think it is important to consider when looking at your college choices. When I was an undergrad at UW (more than 30 years ago) I had a friend from the dorms who was American Indian from Northern Wisconsin. I thought for sure he would finish UW. He didn't return for his sophomore year...he never really adjusted to school and I am not sure what happened. My wife is from Asia so my D represents a minority group. She is in her second year at UW and really enjoying her college experience!</p>

<p>Yes, the scholarship has really put Madison at the top of my list and the fact that it is somewhat close to the reservation (hmm, well, closer than Stanford ;)) is a plus. I really get the feeling that they want URMs to adjust well and that is very encouraging. </p>

<p>This is so cool that people on here know so much about the university! Right now, I am basically waiting to hear back from Stanford and WashU....if I got good packages at either of those schools, I think I'd have a tough time deciding between Madison and those two. Any suggestions for me? I really like Stanford because of its lively Native community (I have been speaking with Adrienne Keene, the "liaison" to Native applicants) and the education there would just be fantastic. However, I know that WashU and Madison would give me wonderful opportunities as well! </p>

<p>Also, I have a question regarding this scholarship that I am applying for. I am applying for the "IHS Scholarship Program" and, in the application, I need to put down the "Name of college or university in which you are enrolled, accepted for enrollment or have a current application of enrollment:" and latter has a space for "If you are in the process of applying for more than one university, please list the names of the other institutions:"</p>

<p>How do you think I should handle this? First, what should I list as the "main" school and, second, should I list all schools that I have applied to or only ones that I am really interested in attending? Furthermore, the scholarship is full-tuition, so how do you think the cost of the school will affect the decision? </p>

<p>Any suggestions or questions are much appreciated; thanks!</p>

<p>Again, good luck to all!</p>

<p>Nobody here got it? What is going on???? haha. CC has failed me.</p>

<p>CC doesn't exactly have a large number of people that attend UW Madison, yanno. ;] Not even incoming freshman wise!</p>

<p>Nobody here got it? What is going on???? haha. CC has failed me. </p>

<p>Sending congrats to all the winners, and thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>My S just got a call from Mercile with the good news. Such a Blessing!</p>

<p>Is anyone going to the New Student Reception on the Mar 21st?</p>

<p>My S just missed a call from Mercile for the 4th time. Tonight we sat on the couch and swore that we would stay off his phone. My 5 year called to tell us that their family cat died tonight, so we couldn't rush off the phone . . . Mercile called . . . at this point we assume that she isn't calling to tell us that bad news. </p>

<p>Congrats jasper. It is exciting to see all the hard work come to fruition. </p>

<p>My S really liked his campus visit to IT UMinn. Part of it is that we have lived in Madison since he was 20 days old, so it is a bit of old hat. What engineering program is you S interested in?</p>

<p>I haven't heard about the reception. It would be cool to meet other chancellor scholars there.</p>


<p>Hopefully, Mercile will catch you soon, but I'm sure its good news. I imagine she doesn't make too many calls per nite because she talked to my son a long time. Seemed like 30-45mins. She said we should receive a pkg in the mail soon.</p>

<p>Yes, UOM was another one of my S choices too. He was accepted in the IT dept.</p>

<p>My S is still undecided about which engineering program. Could be electrical or mechanical.</p>

<p>Exciting times. Congrats to your S and good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>Congrats to all that got the scholarship! Yesterday I went to the students of color reception and one of the girls on the student panel asked who there were chancellor's scholars and there were literally 3 people who raised their hands (and there were tons of people in the room)! Wow, I did not know it was that selective. Any guesses as to how many applied and how many got it? </p>

<p>Also, I just got notified that I got an additional $1500 from the College of Engineering.....I LOVE MADISON! :D!</p>

<p>I got the call at 10:30 pm two Wednesdays ago. I have to say, I was caught totally by surprise! I haven't gotten the letter yet though...has anyone else gotten it yet?</p>

<p>dpattzlover, WashU was also at the top of my list, it's a great school. I feel like Madison is a better fit though for me though. At my WashU interview, I asked the interviewer at the end about the athletics. She said they practically have to bribe people to go to games!! I don't think Madison has that problem... ;)</p>

The chancellors is selective. If you do the math, there are about 1200 admitted students of color, and 40 chancellors per year. That is about 3%%. With about 100 students at the reception, that works out to about 3 students. </p>

<p>I have a friend that works with the Chancellors scholars during the year. She told my son and I about the program when he was still in junior high, and getting the CS has been one of his goals (he self taught homeschooled for high school). I know how hard he worked, and your info shows that you have worked just as hard. It is quite the achievement. </p>

<p>When I came to grad school at the UW I was awarded the top grad school fellowship. You will find that being a CS will open a lot of doors at the UW (and beyond) which will make your experience much more rewarding than otherwise. The trade-off is that there is a lot asked of 'scholars of color.' </p>

<p>As someone who basically accidentally stumbled off the 'rez' into academia, it is very rewarding to see people like you and my son having achieved so much already.</p>

Do you what the additional $1500 was from? When Mercile finally talked with my son she mentioned it but he was so excited about the chancellors he didn't remember which engineering scholarship it was. He applied for engineering's Freshman Academ. Achieve., EHLA and the Leeds scholarships, and we don't know which one he got. Did you apply for any or all of these?</p>

<p>Thanks for the very kind words wildpeace! </p>

<p>Anyway, I just sent an email to Mercile because she had left me a message the night after she told me about the scholarship.....and she replied saying that the College of Engineering had decided to give me a scholarship as well ($1500 renewable yearly) and that it has many of the same standards as CSP, but they aren't as extensive. </p>

<p>I didn't apply for any scholarship besides CSP (I didn't even know about it until I got the invite) and I wasn't even aware of these that you mentioned (Freshman Academic Achievement, EHLSA, and Leeds....?). But I do remember Mercile saying that she "forwarded" my app onto the CoE, so perhaps they just used those materials? I don't know. I'm excited though! </p>

<p>Did you all go to ASoC day? (haha, I am very into acronyms today :D!).</p>

<p>So do you think by now if you havent gotten a call then you probably didn't recieve the scholarship?? :( Im losing hope...</p>