UW-Madison Chancellor's Scholarship

<p>congrats to your D collegekidmom. I still havent heard of anything yet oh man... </p>

<p>amc: what is your other choice besides Madison? do you have another full ride somewhere else?</p>

<p>In-state tuition is good too though because that is only around 19,000 a year. Is north carolina a better deal?</p>

<p>annabanana: don't give up yet. the woman told my daughter after talking with her awhile that she was to have made two more calls last night but it was getting late and she didn't know if she would make them. i had called UW earlier in the day and was told that now we should wait until the end of next week to hear anything. yesterday they actually looked up my daughter's name and said a decision had not been made yet. i say you should call the chancellors office and ask specifically what is happening for you. i think the number is 608-262-9315. good luck, things always work out for the best in the end!</p>

<p>Thanks again collegekidmom, you are so nice with all your support and advice! I will give them a call! but I think it is too late to call them today because I think they close at 4:30.
...yup I just tried and the machine picked up. So I'll call again tomorrow. </p>

<p>And I guess no news is good news so far... Maybe Im on the waitlist.
I just hope they dont wait till may 1st... Can I accept my admission but then cancel it like mid may, just so that I can have myself covered if they contact me past the deadline?</p>

<p>annabanana: i am going to be attending the univeristy of wisconsin, but in milwaukee. I finalized the choice today. So, yes i did call mercile this afternoon and turn down my scholarship to madison (which wasn't easy to do!), but i guess that means another one just opened up for someone else, so good luck! and if you are wondering... i am choosing milwaukee because they offered me a better scholarship... money is tight, and thats basically what my decision came down to.</p>

<p>Wow amc thats wonderful (and surprising) that they had a better opportunity for you at milwaukee. money is what it comes down to for me too, and im glad everything worked out for you!</p>

<p>thanks : )</p>

My S applied for 5 UW-Madison scholarships this year. So far he has been awarded the Chancellor's and 2 scholarships from his department (one general and one for freshman) for an additional $2500. He is still waiting to hear about an Honors Scholarship and and a student of color leadership scholarship from his department (around $3000 total). We have always been told that once you are on campus and especially after the freshman year there are even more opportunities for on campus scholarships. </p>

<p>From my experience if you are a chancellors/powers-knapp quality student there are many attainable scholarships out there, especially in certain fields of study.</p>

<p>What is your D's interest in field of study?</p>

<p>i just called them and said, " hi my name is Anna and i was calling because I have not recieved any news so far and so i was just wondering if you could tell me the status of my application or any other information."</p>

<p>and then the lady just said "we will try to notify all the applicants by the end of next week."</p>

<p>I wish she would have looked up my name on the list, I probably should have asked her outright. So I guess I'll wait until next week.</p>

<p>Collegekidmom, do you think that they noticed your daughter more because you were persistent and called them for status updates??</p>

<p>annabanana, i am sorry you didn't get any info. i know it is stressful waiting to hear. i don't really think they noticed my daughter because i had called previously. they only took her name the last time on the day of the evening that they contacted her. i had called early march and late march and both times they told me to wait for two weeks for either a phone call or letter. on wednesday they actually asked me her name. hopefully, you will hear something soon. it sounds like some people are turning the scholarship down....i am not sure what my daughter is going to do because money is also a big concern for us. unc is still more affordable than uw. good luck and keep us posted!</p>

<p>wildpeace, i am new to this process. i am wondering what happens with the extra scholarships your son receives if he is a chancellors recipient. i thought the chancellors takes care of full tuition and books. is this money over what the cost of attendance is for your son? does that mean he "banks" it to use in other ways such as travel abroad or summer programs? these might seem like silly questions, but this is all new to me! i am glad for you and your son that he is so fortunate, he must be a great student! my daughter does not know what she wants to major in. however, she does believe she will minor in spanish in someway..</p>

<p>The Chancellor's covers tuition and books, but not housing. The other scholarships are being applied toward housing. </p>

<p>All the UW administered scholarship application deadlines have passed. But there are still private scholarships out there that can be applied for until as late as June 1 (however, if your D is like my S she is very tired of applications and essays). Like I said earlier if your D was asked to apply for the chancellor's scholarship she should still be able to successfully apply for additional scholarships to cover any financial gaps at UW or UNC.</p>

<p>Ok thanks Collegekidmom and I will definately keep you posted!</p>

<p>This is getting really frustrating.
I still haven't heard anything. I am definitely going to UW-Madison (I confirmed my enrollment. Or rather, the envelope confirming my enrollment is next to me). I received some financial aid and I live in MN so I also have reciprocity. Money isn't a huge issue, but to only have to pay for housing would be amazing. I have called the Chancellor's office several times and the lady has always said that she'd call very very soon. </p>

<p>I assumed financial aid was awarded based on scholarships and the like, and if I have already received that, I am just assuming I didn't get the scholarship.</p>

<p>My dad is really upset with the whole thing and wants to call them, and after reading what others have said, I encouraged him to. This whole thing makes me so antsy, though. argh.</p>

<p>p.s. thanks collegekidmom and annabanana for your comments, they were a great help</p>

<p>No prob. asdfghaya.</p>

<p>I know your frustration. By now I have given up on the scholarship too. I already accepted my admission to U of I. Its getting so late now...</p>

<p>so i just received the letter today saying that i did not recieve the scholarship. :( but thats ok ive been preparing myself for this dissappointment. They said they waited so long because they were hoping that they could have an award for me by now. I guess I was on the waiting list. So I definately will not be attending UW it is too expensive for me. thanks it was nice talking to all of you. and good luck!</p>

<p>Obviously financial aid for OOS kids is something the UW needs to improve. Part of Biddy Martin's new undergad initiative is to enhance aid to all undergrads. We'll see how it goes. I think it will be part of the next major capital campaign.</p>

<p>I got the letter yesterday saying that I didn't receive the scholarship. It basically said the same thing as anna's, but I am still going there. I live in MN so I get reciprocity, so...yeah. Plus my sister goes there and I have another sister who went there and now lives in Milwaukee, so it'll still be close to family.</p>

<p>I was offered the PK scholarship and received a letter saying everything was in order but i have yet to see the scholarship appear on my financial aid statement. It just has some FAFSA stuff. I called about a month ago and they said to give it another month. im a OOS student. When i register for classes is the cost just reduced then?</p>