UW-Madison Chancellor's Scholarship

<p>Thanks for all of the comments, you all are so nice! </p>

<p>I would do so as quickly as possible, anna, but I've never visited Stanford's campus and, thus, my parents want me to attend Admit Weekend before I commit.....I'm guessing that I'll absolutely love it, but I should wait to submit until after this weekend I think.....</p>

<p>Sorry, but that's not until April 23-25, so I'll notify when I get home from that......</p>

<p>I'm still in such shock!</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Wado to all!</p>

<p>cool! does wado mean good luck?</p>

<p>It means "thanks" :)!</p>

<p>thats cool. In what language?</p>

<p>hi annabanana, i have been following this thread for a while. my daughter is in the same boat as you are waiting for a reply. i have called madison twice. i was told both times not to assume she didn't get it. last time was told that she would hear by april 15th. keep the faith-you never know. i am guessing you and my daughter are on a list of kids that could be recipients if others turn down the scholarship. my daughter turned down a full ride at a few colleges because she wanted to stay in the midwest. she just released them this past week-so you never know what could happen this week for anxious kids waiting for scholarships! :)</p>

<p>Thank you collegekidmom, that is very true so i will try to still be optimistic about it. Im glad to hear we are in the same boat.</p>

<p>And I was thinking to call them too to ask if they would be able to let me know if I got it or not, but I dont think they will be able to answer that question. What did you ask them when you called? did they say when they would have the final word out for sure? Because I hope they are still not deciding/notifying people after May 1st, that'll be too late for me.</p>

<p>I had asked if we should assume my daughter had not gotten the scholarship because she had not received a phone call or letter. My daughter knew of two kids at her school, one had gotten the scholarship and one had gotten a letter saying she did not get it. They said to wait, as it did not mean she did not get the scholarship just because she hadn't heard anything. The second time I called was after the financial aid award came out with only loans. I was convinced she had not gotten it. Again, the chancellors office said not to assume that, we would hear by April 15th. I told them it was getting close to the deadline for deciding. They said they could not tell me anything. Just wait. So we are waiting... I plan to call on Thursday if we haven't heard by then. Good luck!</p>

<p>The Letters and Science freshman scholarship results are out speaking of scholarships. I managed to get one, $6,000 a year! It's gonna help alot. :)</p>

<p>thanks collegekidmom that was very informative and it helped answer a lot of my questions too. Well the 15th is coming up soon so we'll see!</p>

<p>and congrats turtlehurricane!</p>

<p>Just asking, what general academic stats, background or economic need is required for an incoming freshman to receive either the Chancellor's or a Letters & Science scholarship? Don't believe that info is listed on the UW website.</p>

<p>Is it all for in-staters?</p>

<p>i don't know if there were certain stats. I do know that my daughter was sent an application for the Chancellor's Scholarship after being accepted to UW. She is an out of state student.</p>

<p>well i dont know anything about the letters and science scholarship, but the Chancellor's scholarship is for minority students who have excelled academically. You need transcripts and letters of recommendation and you have to write an essay. Only 44 are chosen and it is for full tuition. And it is for both instate and out of state</p>

<p>hi, i was reading this thread and i thought i would share what i know. my brother is a current chancellors scholar at madison, so what i know is from him. basically, a certain number of kids are offered the scholarship initially, and then any that are declined are offered to students that are on a sort of waitlist (although you wouldn't be aware that you are on that list necessarily). i can't promise this is true, but that is what he told me. i don't know anything about the notification deadline that you say is on the 15th though. also, I have been offered the scholarship, but have not yet made a final decision. I would assume this is the case for at least some recipients, so I would assume that some scholarships would be declined between the 15th and May 1st, but I don't know if they still re-offer those.</p>

<p>amc, what are you looking toward studying if you came to the UW-Madison? What is your brother studying?</p>

<p>amc you got it too? so then are you an incoming freshman? man i really wish i had gotten it :(...</p>

<p>yes, i got it. im still undecided, but maybe social work with a spanish minor. my brother is a sophomore math major and is deciding between geology and physics for his second major. and yes, i will be an incoming freshman, but i am not yet sure that i am going to accept at madison.</p>

<p>my daughter got the call tonight. However, instead of the chancellors she was offered the powers knapp scholarship which basically reduces tuition costs to the cost of in-state tuition with some other perks. she was told that there could be a possibility of the chancellors if others turned it down...great opportunity something to think about. still not as affordable as university of north carolina as she was offered great aid as an out of state student. </p>

<p>does anyone know of someone getting the chancellors after first being offered powers-knapp? can you get additional scholarships once you are on campus?</p>