UW Madison chances?

Anyone able to advise me on my chances of getting into UW Madison? I’m from a tiny school with no AP/IB or Honors classes and limited ECs and a super low academic level.

ACT: 29
GPA: 4.0 throughout all of high school, not sure if weighted or unweighted
Class rank: 1 of 5

4 years varsity basketball, 2 years varsity softball, 2 years cross country, 2 years cheer/dance team, 4 years on student council (held an office for 2 years), won 2 local essay competitions, won 2nd place at local art show, have won multiple random local competitions
*not great teams so not interested in playing sports for school

I’ve worked full time for the last 5 years during the summer.


Are you in state or out of state? Do you literally have straight A’s on your transcript? ACT scores most recently published show the 25-75% as 27-32. You’re right at the average. I’m sure your great if you are in state.

If you are from out of state, it depends what program you are applying for and what you might bring to campus with you. It’s considerably more difficult to get in as a non-resident (like many strong flagships these days).