UW-Madison Class of 2020 Waitlists

for those of you admitted from waitlist, did they offer you a housing contract?

If you’re admitted off of the waitlist, how long do you have to respond to your offer of admission?

Has anyone been admitted off WL since 5/6 (last posting about it above)?

three days!

I got accepted last week wednesday!
25 ACT
3.6 GPA
7 AP classes, 100+ volunteer hours, several extra curriculars, 3 letters of rec

Yes you get a housing contract. I was super worried id be at a disadvantage for getting my housing preferences and classes but I got a fairly early SOAR date, turned in all my housing preferences and have a roommate already. :slight_smile:

Congrats to you @jasxsa ! Are you in state or out of state?

In state! Which helps