UW Waitlist Class of 2023

Hi everyone, I’m starting a thread for those who have been waitlisted at wisconsin

I’m on the waitlist for this year.
Does anyone know the size of the waitlist?
And what percent of waitlist got admitted last year?

My DS has been waitlisted for this year. He had applied for college of engg (electrical major). OOS, ACT : 33, IB

As far as I know, the UW does not disclose the size of the waitlist or how many people come off of it.

My DD is now a sophomore Badger. She was in your shoes two years ago and came off the waitlist in early May 2017. We had to accept at a different college and pay deposits which we lost when we found out she was finally accepted. I’m telling you this so you know there is hope! Good luck to everyone.

my friend got off the waitlist today, anyone else hear anything?

I don’t know the size of the wait-list but I know last year about 28% of wait-listed students were accepted. I am also on the wait list.

Still on the waitlist… I can’t believe your friend has already been accepted

Still on the waitlist. Keeping fingers crossed for my DS.

I was deferred early action and sent in a letter of continued interest. Would it help to send another after having been waitlisted?

any news?

Still on the waitlist – I’m confused why admissions said that they’re releasing decisions after may 1st if apparently someone has heard back already.

I’m guessing that once someone denies their admission offer, they take someone off the waitlist. Lots of people just let their offer sit until the deadline, May 1st, and then their admission is automatically denied. This is when lots of people get off the waitlist.

@bleedorangebaby, what are your friend’s stats? In or out of state etc?

OOS NJ, applied for environmental science and had a 3.7-3.8 UW GPA and 27 ACT @soccer39

@bleedorangebaby Major?

environmental science

off the waitlist!! new baby badger baby let’s get it

@bleedorangebaby my friend applied with that major and is on the waitlist! was your friend’s application strong overall? good essays, strong classes, lots of good activities, etc? i got off for political science! but i imagine they review ours differently because of different majors.

@babybadgerbaby she did have a strong essay but she lacked in ECs. Congrats btw! i am on the waitlist for poly sci, are you instate or OOS?

I’m on the waitlist for Communication Arts. Is that a competitive major? I just want to be admitted!