university of Wisconsin wait list !

I was waitlisted at university of Wisconsin. I am interested in computer science, and in that sense UW. is in an incredible location that fits well with what I would like to do.
does any one know when will we hear back from the college??
Any help/opinions is very much appreciated.

Someone posted on the class Facebook page today saying they got in off the waitlist and we’re quickly looking for a roommate. Credibility? I don’t know.

Just got in this afternoon, I believe this is the second day they’ve started calling people so you could hear any day now. Good luck!

Wooooooo I just got in this afternoon also! Has your status been changed in the student center yet? Mine still says that I’m on the waitlist.

Anyways to answer your question akshaybobby, if you are selected you should hear back any day now. I got called just as I got home from school. If you haven’t already, submit two additional letters of recommendation to improve your chances as much as possible. Good luck!

No my status hasn’t changed yet, I was told it should change by 12 tomorrow though. Congrats!

conratulation 2 both of you guyz…

u guys out of state?

I’m in state

I’m also in-state

Stats? ACT/GPA for those who got in off the waitlist?

I was also accepted yesterday. I’m out of state from Illinois. 3.7 UW 31 ACT with a lot of ecs if that helps. Tough year to get into Madison at least from my highschool.

has anyone else from out of state heard yet? I have a 3.71 unweighted GPA and got a 1980 on my SAT? Are my chances good for getting off the wait list?

Congrats @Badger41 - will you attend or did you turn it down?

I am International student… I think I don’t have a good chances of getting in :frowning:

I’ll be attending!

So I am an in-state student that has still not heard anything. If they are taking out of state kids does that mean that they are done taking in-state kids considering they have the priority on the waitlist? Also anyone who heard back did they call you or email you?

I got the call yesterday, as well. However, it hasn’t updated in my Student Center yet. Is that the case with anyone else?

are they contacting through calls or through e-mails ???

Calls. I was called around 4 pm on Friday. I’m calling them back Monday morning with my decision. Time to trade in all my Illinois stuff for Badger gear.