UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

Going to post some expanded thoughts on the process at some point, but DC came off the waitlist last week. OOS, journalism. No visit, no tour, politely declined the offer.

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Its on FB, called UW Madison Class of 2027 Parents (Official). It has a picture of a white building with the W flag. There were a few other groups but this one is run by parents.

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Today my instate (Engineering) son received an email from UW requesting he confirm he still wishes to remain on waitlist.

only students who will be accepted got this mail?

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I really don’t know. I just wanted to let people know from an instate applicant.


Son got continued interest form yesterday. He applied direct entry to buisness. Would snap it up if he got in. We are from CA although he is at East Coast Boarding School.

It is stated on the email that the message was sent to everyone currently on the waitlist

My son got the same email to confirm the continued interest. He is in CS waitlist. Do not know what it really means. On reddit saw people already got accepted from cs waitlist last week.

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Is he in state or OOS? Seem all CA acceptances off waitlist have been OOS

He is OOS from WA state

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She’s done that twice. Along with all her grades. I’m thinking it’s because we are in state and so they would be getting less money from us vs the OOS full pay kids.

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Has anyone heard of any waitlist offers for direct admit to the business school or offers of pre-business?

I also suspect yield is substantially higher for in state students.


I suspect Admissions took a very high percentage of in-state kids during the EA/RD process.
With in-state yield higher this year, they are focusing on waitlisted OOS students to complete the class of 8,100. Most students that were waitlisted at our school (+/- 10 students) have received acceptances in the recent weeks.


Where can one see the in state yield to date for class of 2027 ??

Lowest in state acceptances in history was reported

I’m curious, does this lowest acceptance stat mean:
a) the % of in-state acceptances relative to OOS acceptances is lowest ever? Or,
b) the % of in-state acceptances relative to in-state rejections is lowest ever?

For example, does this stat mean (a) that the percent of in-state students in the class of 2027 (compared to OOS students) will be the lowest ever? OR, does it mean (b) that the # of in-state applications for class of 2027 was a record high, and thus the % they accepted from among in-state applicants was particularly low?

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Wow, I didn’t know that. I would be interested in reading/knowing about this type of thing. Do you know where info like this could be found? Thanks !

I will search where someone posted/shared the info …

Can say that 3 friends who all connected with their schools guidance counselors all saying similar experiences - least acceptances from their schools have seen in years - more denials and waitlisted EA and RD than typical.

The school is going for the money now - with the building on campus, etc and rising costs, am sure that explains why hearing almost all waitlisted who are posting here and Reddit are OOS.

What is frustrating is am sure some in state equally deserving and those families have thru taxes supported UW all along.

Please keep us posted if you find the stats about the in state kids