UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

When you try to register what does it say? Mine has a list of various potential reasons,

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There was some portal astrology that was accurate for the EA round before results went out. I think my kid could see SOAR sign up.

I think I saw the same list as you did. Don’t think too much of it, it could be that in EA round, there was a glitch, and now they fixed it. We will know the results soon so don’t stress over this…

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Scholarships in WISH is for everyone. There are some scholarships listed that are unique to just WI residents but all scholarships are listed there. They encourage you to fill out applications even before you know if you are accepted. A lot of deadline dates have already passed or are coming up shortly.


we looked. Saw nothing for OOS that wasn’t need-based or special-identify focused.

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Sorry, what is SOAR?

SOAR stands for student Orientation, advising, and registration. This is where first year students register for classes over the summer and get a taste of campus.


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i will share that last year - my daughter got a notification from the FA office about her acceptance before it was posted in the portal (and amusingly we didnt apply for FA so no idea how the letter came from them first a few days before)

Fingers crossed!

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Did they announce anything?

I’m about to throw up, I’m so nervous for tomorrow. My daughter is in love with UW-Madison and another school supposedly coming out tomorrow. There is a third, very good school on Friday and another on Saturday. These schools are all targets/reaches for her, and with the way her other targets have gone, I’m anticipating four rejections. She is going to be so upset. :frowning:

Wait, are results out tomorrow?

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Tomorrow for UW-Madison is NOT confirmed. People are predicting tomorrow because last year results were released Friday, March 25.


Oh ok, got it, thanks!!

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they have 60,000 applicants this year and are only supposedly accepting 8,100. They are very overloaded according to the admissions office and with how they implied it there likely won’t be decisions till the 31st. A lot like how they got rid of the mid December EA decision release, fingers crossed they come out tomorrow but unlikely :frowning:


hang in there and hope for good results! My S23 (his twin sister was admitted EA at Wisconsin) got 6 rejections/WL last week but was finally accepted to a top choice today (just as selective as all the others.) It seems so random to me. But they can only attend one college! Good luck.


Any portal changes?

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Last year the 25th was the last friday in March. My money is on next friday the 31st.

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