UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

[type or paste code here](https://imgur.com/a/5AX4BOt)

I have it!

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^^^^ That is the link to the screen shot of my ā€œHi!ā€ page. This was the only way I could find to share it LOL

Does this indicate the possibility of hearing soon?

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Thank you! It seems like when you click on that my uw housing on the home page, it took you to that page and have Hi xxx there. That sounds promising. I donā€™t have that, when I click on the my uw housing tab, it will take me to a page where there are red boxes for different users.

Click on the FRESHMAN one, then see if it takes you to the ā€œHiā€ page.

Click on the Incoming Freshmen box.

Actually, it doesnā€™t say FRESHMAN, says ā€œnew incoming studentsā€ or something like that. Now that Iā€™m on the ā€œHiā€ page, I canā€™t seem to get back to the page with all the buttons.

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During EA it happened Friday and decisions came out Friday night.


Me neither, lol. Itā€™s like now that weā€™ve clicked on the button thereā€™s no way back.

welp happy for you guys :slight_smile: mine just shows an error lol

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Do you think they are rolling out those pages or do you think if you see an errorā€¦ at this point your out?

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Me tooā€¦

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error here as well

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will they give a specific time before release the decision.

When I click on UW housing it says hi ! Full Ride???

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That is pretty funnyā€¦

Yā€™all, how are you getting the Housing page to show up? I see ā€œAdvising Resourcesā€ and ā€œStudent Profileā€ but thatā€™s itā€¦

On the myuw page there are all the boxes and at the bottom there should be an add to home button and you can search for housing in there and add it as a tile on the myuw page

If they release decisions today, what time will it be at?