UW - Madison or Case Western?

<p>I'd like to go into business/finance, any opinions?</p>

<p>The UW buildings don't leak.</p>

<p>Go to Weatherhead if you plan to do the 5-year BS/MS in Accounting. If you take a closer look, you will find very limited offering in finance at the undergrad level. </p>

<p>If you are seriously into finance with the goal of going to corporate finance or Wall St, go to UW. Major in finance and minor in econ. That combo will get you far ... much further than Weatherhead will take you. </p>

<p>Plus, UW buildings don't leak. ;)</p>

<p>what's so bad about going to weatherhead and majoring in management with a minor in finance? heck, i may even do a double major with economics since case is extremely flexible about it. </p>

<p>and what's with the leaking?!</p>

<p>Nothing "so bad". I was just pointing out the significantly more opportunities available in UW for your areas of interest. If you have other reasons for going to Weatherhead (e.g. $$, ties to Cleveland etc), then I suspect you can make the best out of whatever they have (however limited the offerings are). </p>

<p>re: leaking - just echo what Barrons has stated.</p>

<p>do you have experience from both of these schools? i just don't understand how UW has more opportunities since both schools offer pretty much the same degrees.</p>

<p>Sorry, I was totally mistaken (hangover from yesterday party). I guess you are right. They are technically just the "same degrees". Of course they are! While on the subject, Have you checked out the ones from Suffield University?</p>

<p>UW is stronger in the mentioned areas. Yeah, it's the same degree as you'd get from Case Western, but it's also "the same degree" that you would get from a community college as well. It's all about who's teaching it, where, alumni connections, and other various forms of judgment. </p>

<p>Both schools are incredible though. You can't go wrong with either. Personally, I'd say that UW has a stronger program, a better selection of courses if you change your mind, and of course, it's location is better (IMO).</p>

<p>OP, first I hope you don't read too much into my last sarcastic comment. </p>

<p>Let me walk you through how I compared both programs (the same approach could apply to your other choices). Backgrounder: the accounting division head of my former employer is a graduate of Weatherhead (he is one proud Spartan!) and I obviously have no shortage of friends who are UW b-school alums. I am going to b-school so I've done quite a bit of research of finance courses.</p>

<p>First forget the overall ranking (even though UW undergrad business programs rank (#13) higher than Weatherhead (#29)). Pay closer attention to "recruiter accessment" as it tells how popular/highly recruited a school is among your future employer. You can verify this by comparing the hired company list from both schools, specifically finance majors. If "JP Morgan" and "Morgan Stanley" all sound the same to you, don't stress out. Get someone else in your family/school to tell you which list seems better if you are out there looking for a job. </p>

<p>Second, look at the course offerings of both places.
UW: <a href="http://www.bus.wisc.edu/finance/programs/undergraduate/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.bus.wisc.edu/finance/programs/undergraduate/&lt;/a>
Weatherhead: <a href="http://weatherhead.case.edu/bafi/ugrdcourses.cfm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://weatherhead.case.edu/bafi/ugrdcourses.cfm&lt;/a>
I hope it is obvious to you that UW has more choices as well as let you focus and specialized as your study progresses. I will leave it to you as an exercise to compare UW econ dept to Weatherhead's. </p>

<p>I could also get into the special subfields that UW professors excel but that is probably way beyond the scope here. </p>

<p>Your life outside Grainger Hall is what I think draw most students to Madison. My biased opinion is Madison is among one of the best places one can spend his/her college years compared to Cleveland. </p>

<p>So, it just seems like UW is an obvious choice, doesn't it? :) Now, I will advise you going to Case Western if:
1. You really want to attend a small private college
2. You get a near free ride there (but ask what does that really cost you?)
3. You just want to stay in Ohio but hate the idea of OSU</p>

<p>The cracks about CW's building have to do with the crazy building they had built for the WSOB which had huge cost overruns and construction and design problems for actual users. Look interesting but..............</p>