UW Madison Regents OK Budget Request


Indeed, it is your imagination.</p>

<p>Now, now, stooge, let’s not get all caught up in that comparison thing again. You know that when we pit U-Va versus UW UW isn’t going to come out a winner. But that’s ok. Back to your Kibbutz . . .</p>

<p><a href=“HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost”>HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost;

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/774781-college-comparison-iv-four-year-graduation-rates.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/774781-college-comparison-iv-four-year-graduation-rates.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf[/url]”>http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>yea, ah… you made the comparison. </p>

<p>“Back to your Kibbutz . . .”</p>

<p>Ofcourse that whole diversity thing of yours was BS.</p>

<p>All the UW folks have to do is acknowledge the problem. That’s all JiffsMom and I are suggesting. And yes I am a big fan of diversity, which is sorely lacking at UW:</p>

<p>[Corporate</a> Recruiters Criticize UW-Madison?s Lack of Diversity](<a href=“http://diverseeducation.com/article/5819/]Corporate”>http://diverseeducation.com/article/5819/)</p>

<p>Nice 2006 article. Anything more recent?? No because it’s not an issue anymore.</p>

<p>On any ranking of faculty, campus resources, and contributions to knowledge UW wins every time over UVa. UVa is kept smaller and therefore has higher SAT scores on average. OK, so what? UW has a much broader array of majors for the broader array of students. UVa does not even have a separate biochemistry department. It’s a few people within the small Chemistry Department. I’d estimate few top profs in biochem are attracted to such a small department.</p>

<p>Another take on UW’s lack of diversity…

…which is already happening.

[Office</a> Of State Employment Relations -Affirmative Action - Live Wire Articles (most recent) - Edition #97 - UW Feels Effects of Poor Diversity](<a href=“http://oser.state.wi.us/pgsub_detail.asp?linksubcat2id=580&linksubcatid=1023&linkcatid=352&linkid=27]Office”>http://oser.state.wi.us/pgsub_detail.asp?linksubcat2id=580&linksubcatid=1023&linkcatid=352&linkid=27)</p>

<p>Interestingly, the same type of thing happened to Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman at UW in the 1940s.

Interview transcript with video link available:
[Milton</a> Friedman Interview – page 3 / 7 – Academy of Achievement](<a href=“http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/fri0int-3]Milton”>http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/fri0int-3)</p>

<p>OMG, you are reprinting the same posts from 8 months ago? </p>

<p>Well, my response still stands…</p>

<p>You probably think the “taco’s and tequila” party put on by the tri-delts and zbt at UI was classy.</p>

<p>[Forum</a> participants discuss racism, diversity issues](<a href=“http://news.illinois.edu/ii/07/0215/forum.html]Forum”>http://news.illinois.edu/ii/07/0215/forum.html)</p>

<p>UW Madison has over 5,000 Jewish students while UI has 3,400. </p>

<p>[Fall</a> 2007 - Universities with the Largest Jewish Population in North America](<a href=“http://www.hillel.org/about/news/2008/feb/14feb08_topschools.htm]Fall”>http://www.hillel.org/about/news/2008/feb/14feb08_topschools.htm)</p>

<p>Illinois: 278k Jewish residents vs Wisconsin: 28,000 </p>

<p>[Jewish</a> Population of the United States by State](<a href=“http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/usjewpop.html]Jewish”>Jewish Population in the United States by State)</p>

<p>The question is what’s wrong with UI that a neighboring state with 1/10th the Jewish population currently and always has attracted so many MORE Jewish students?</p>

<p>Old post? I don’t remember anyone pointing out that the College of Engineering lost 4 of its 5 Afro-American professors because they were made to feel unwelcome and like they didn’t belong at UW.</p>

<p>And don’t pat yourself on the back for having a large Jewish enrollment just yet. An example of UW’s intolerance of diversity: a PhD student that created a scheme in which he would create yellow stars of David with the word COASTIE inscribed inside which he would pass out to every Coastie he saw so that they could wear it on their chest just like in Europe during World War II.
[</a>" + artTitle.replace(“-”,“”) + " - " + “The Daily Cardinal” + " - " + “Opinion” + "](<a href=“http://www.dailycardinal.com/opinion/letter-to-the-editor-coastie-insults-fester-with-anti-semitism-1.979188]”>http://www.dailycardinal.com/opinion/letter-to-the-editor-coastie-insults-fester-with-anti-semitism-1.979188)</p>

<p>Embracing your logic, I bet there is a bigot enrolled at UIUC. Does that mean the entire university is that way? Ofcourse not.</p>

<p>That’s a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel news article on how those African-American professors were treated at UW, quoted by the Wisconsin Office of State Employee Relations. </p>

<p>There’s more:

[Office</a> Of State Employment Relations -Affirmative Action - Live Wire Articles (most recent) - Edition #97 - UW Feels Effects of Poor Diversity](<a href=“http://oser.state.wi.us/pgsub_detail.asp?linksubcat2id=580&linksubcatid=1023&linkcatid=352&linkid=27]Office”>http://oser.state.wi.us/pgsub_detail.asp?linksubcat2id=580&linksubcatid=1023&linkcatid=352&linkid=27)</p>

<p>Barriers for racial/ethnic minorities? How intolerant.</p>

<p>How were you unaware of this horrible university when your child applied, was admitted and planned to attend? It just boggles the mind. From grad rates to class availablility to the obvious hatred embedded in its very DNA. The evil this institution generates can even be seen from Elgin. How did you miss all of these issues during the search, application, admission, and planned attendance of your child?</p>

<p>Does this thread serve any point? It has spun off into another galaxy. Are we going to cite opinions and occurrences that happened fifty years ago? As someone who grew up in the South, do we really want to discuss what happened on UVA’s campus fifty years ago?</p>

<p>Come on people. Release the hate…let it go. If you don’t like UW, move on. In my opinion, UVA, UW and UI are fine schools. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. </p>

<p>The original post was about the school’s ranking and how its four year grad rate may be a cause for concern. I disagree with the opinion that internships can not fulfill requirements towards an English degree. Working for an editor, newspaper or publisher would give a student great experience.</p>

<p>Just so we are clear, I don’t hate UW at all, not even a little bit. I think it’s a fine school. I just disagree with the idea that its undergraduate school is necessarily out of this world just because its graduate school happens to be. </p>

<p>I believe UW is a truly outstanding research institution with top-notch graduate programs almost across the board. I believe its undergraduate program is also very good but isn’t first tier among state universities because of its overwhelming size, solid but not stellar student body, and problems with funding, financial aid, class sizes, graduation rates, and diversity. I recognize that the undergraduate school offers fantastic oportunities to the truly motivated, but you can’t judge a college solely on what it offers the top students; you need to consider what it does for the average student. And UW’s low graduation rate – the central topic of this discussion – suggests that the average student is being short-changed. </p>

<p>I think U-Va is the polar opposite. While its professional schools – law and business – are second to none, and its graduate programs in the liberal arts are outstanding, U-Va’s graduate programs in the sciences do not hold a candle to UW. But at the undergraduate level, there’s simply no comparison between the two institutions: U-Va students are more highly qualified in terms of test scores and class rank and are generally more motivated, the school has far better financial aid, the highest graduation rate by far of any state university, and (despite barrons’ protests) is way more diverse. Its students lead the nations’ state schools (again by far) in the gross number of Rhodes Scholars produced and on a per capita basis produces far more Peace Corp and Teach for America volunteers than UW. It also does far better on a per capita basis in sending students to top grad schools like Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I think it’s hard to argue with this, but I’m sure barrons will find a way to.</p>


Well, it’s not like UW broadcasts the fact that they’re diversity intolerant in their viewbook, do they?</p>

<p>Knowing what we now do, things turned out well. The very recent ‘Coastie Song’ debacle led to us learning about UW’s PhD student’s Coastie Star of David patch plan and the also recent loss of the 4 African-American professors due to UW’s racial biases. Had we known of these, my child would have lost interest in UW and would not have applied.</p>

<p>It boggles your mind because UW had not shared that information with prospective students.</p>

<p>The graduation situation was already explained by documentation–not your off the cuff opinion, as to the reasons and it had NOTHING to do with getting classes and hardly anything to do with fin aid (very small correlation). Therefore the entire base of your argument does not hold water and is a charade or just a lie to be very clear.</p>

<p>Yes, UVa being almost half the size has higher average SAT scores. Too bad it does not have the same high standards for the faculty.</p>

<p>The undergrad population includes many stellar students, like many flagships. Check the Honors program students. A large U has enough people top provide a solid core of stellar students even if the overall size of the school precludes higher percentages of them. These students benefit from the quality of the grad school programs through their professors, top TA’s, research and grad level courses taken as undergrads. Hopefully other top flagship U’s offer the same opportunities to undergrads. </p>

<p>Considering the population of Wisconsin the state compared to other states I suspect there may be proportionately more top students at UW. Hard to overcome historical ethnic diversity of students to reflect that of the nation. Here’s another tangent- of the European Americans (aka whites)- how do states compare for ethnic diversity? Do those of English origin predominate in some regions compared to others? I once met an elderly man in a Midwest state who considered Virginia to be the “old country”. Homogeneity across the country does not exist, instead it is a patchwork quilt of many places transported to the new world.</p>

<p>There may be disproportionately top students at UW over other state flagships elsewhere, but certainly not when compared to U-Va. If anything the opposite has to be true since Virginia has a much larger population than Wisconsin, U-Va is a much smaller school, U-Va is generally regarded at the top school in the state, and U-Va’s test scores and class ranks are higher than UW’s. </p>

<p>Why do you think barrons constantly reminds us that UW’s faculty – but not its students – are more esteemed than U-Va’s? </p>

<p>As for your tired refrain on why UW isn’t diverse, so what. It doesn’t make it any less true, and it turns many students of color away from UW.</p>

<p>Oh, and here’s one you have to see – the latest student “top 10” rankings. U-Va is the only state school on the “New Ivy” list. Where’s UW? Oh there it is – the list of top 10 “No Last Call” schools, where “Animal House is considered tame.” And there it is again on the “Walk of Shame” list, where “everybody gets lucky.”</p>

<p>'Nuff said.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.educationnews.org/pr_releases/99188.html[/url]”>http://www.educationnews.org/pr_releases/99188.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Indeed, 'nuff said, Nova. Tired refrains from your side of it, too. You like yours, we like ours. Let’s leave it at that.</p>

<p>I’d rather have our university emblem at the top of the World University Rankings than be on some arbitray unsupported opinion list somebody sat down and threw together. At least one list requires some data. </p>

<p>How are students “esteemed”? UW has as many “esteemed” studens as UVa. UW just serves a broader population because we like to serve as many as possible and not just the elite or “esteemed”. There are many gems in those 1200 SAT kids too. Not everyone makes it their life’s work at 16 to study for the SAT.</p>


I doubt it.</p>

<p>[23</a> area high school seniors win National Merit Scholarships](<a href=“http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/local_schools/article_f954709e-69d0-11df-ab35-001cc4c002e0.html]23”>23 area high school seniors win National Merit Scholarships)
[Sixteen</a> students garner National Merit Scholarships](<a href=“http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/article_a618c93e-8df2-11df-bec4-001cc4c002e0.html]Sixteen”>Sixteen students garner National Merit Scholarships)</p>

<p>Out of those 39 reported Wisconsin National Merit Scholars, only 2 are attending UW.</p>