UW math placement test

<p>I'm taking a math placement test in order to get into math 221. I need to do this so I can take a physics class that requires it. Is the test the same for all UW schools? If so, how hard is the test going to be? I passed pre-calc with A's my senior year, but I didn't do so well on the math portion of the ACT so Whitewater took my 26 and put me into math 152.</p>

<p>Link to Contents of the Mathematics Placement Test (includes sample problems):</p>

<p>[Center</a> for Placement Testing](<a href=“http://testing.wisc.edu/centerpages/mathtest.html]Center”>Center for Placement Testing)</p>

<p>The placement test should be easy for you if you anticipate taking calculus. However, you should probably review your math. I don’t understand how you can be talking about UW-Whitewater courses and UW-Madison ones for the same semester. Which school will you be a freshman at???</p>

<p>PS- that’s an interesting screen name. Fortunately your father has nothing to do with who you are or become. It is more important that you have your own identity.</p>

<p>I’m attending Whitewater for my first three years and Madison for the next two for an engineering program. Regarding my username, my dad is in fact a Christian.</p>

<p>Since you will take your math at UW Whitewater you need to pay attention to their courses. UW Madison is vastly different than the other UW campuses, including what is covered in various courses. You need to check with your fall school regarding any questions about your math placement.</p>