Vampire Stories?

<p>I'm thinking about taking vampire storeis with Dragan Kujundzic, for my humanity credits. Anyone know if this a hard/easy class or if its fun or not?</p>

<p>My daughter was going to take it for a fun Fall elective, but it was clear across campus...I think near Shands area...and she wouldn't have been able to get to her next class in time. She emailed the prof and he said she would have no problem as a sophmore taking it...However, it hasn't been offered before so we don't know the difficulty of it. The prof sent out flyers in the spring telling about it....classic horror films, stories, etc. She loves horror movies, so it definitely intrigued her.</p>

<p>New Engineering Building (NEB) isn't that fall from Hume (I am assume this is a honors class?). But it is a good 15-20min walk to the turlington plaza area.</p>

<p>Looks like this is offered again in Fall. Does anyone have any knowledge about it?</p>

<p>Man that sounds like fun. It’s too bad I have my AA and am finished with gen ed. I had to get humanities credit by taking actual humanities courses. xP</p>