Vassar Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Vassar, Smith, MHC, Bryn Mawr. Already heard from Oberlin. This process could not be more stressful.

my kid would really like to visit one more time if she gets in… we are on the west coast and airfares are going up up up

I’m just waiting on MHC, Smith, and Vassar! I applied to all LACs on the east coast in NY, CT, or MA for the most part! I think I’m going to be attending Conn College in the fall because they gave me an incredible aid offer, but just waiting for the rest of my decisions!


Agreed! My DD applied sight unseen as we were living out of the country. I don’t know how we’re supposed to fly all over the country with no lead time from these schools to plan. There must be a better way…

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I think they are holding regional “open houses”. My daughter will most likely be choosing between Vassar (if she gets in) and two other schools so figuring out how she can do that trip in time will be tight.

FWIW, we visited Vassar last fall and it was a truly lovely campus and really liked the kids. couldn’t go into any classes and no tours tho.


My daughter also applied sight unseen as we are in the northwest. We are waiting on a couple more schools and then try to plan a quick trip back east last minute to make decisions.


We visited in the summer. Such a gorgeous campus. We were able to do a self your via an app. Just outside of course. Still, so beautiful!

Just FYI ED I decisions came out with no advance notice - just an unexpected email about 7 PM saying your status has been updated. It was about a week before the “by” date. There are accepted student days on April 10 and 14, but no info other than the dates yet. Love vassar but they definitely don’t over communicate.


Their communication has been a joke. Aside from Wesleyan, every other school my student has applied to has give a notification date. This is so unimpressive.

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I wouldn’t call it a joke, it’s just where colleges choose to put their resources. Constant communication clearly isn’t Vassar’s priority which is fine with us, but maybe doesn’t work for you. I don’t know about regular decision, but for ED we knew the decisions would be out some time on or before December 15. The fact they came out unexpectedly a week early was just gravy. Personally I preferred getting a decision a week early to getting a carefully crafted email (which also takes resources) telling me exactly when they’d be out (and I also personally found it way less stressful!). Your mileage may vary and that’s fine too.


We are waiting to hear from 12 schools for my D and 5 still have not given an official date. TBH, this college admissions season is seeming so brutal, at this point, I almost appreciate the schools that are being less definitive with their release dates - we are finding ourselves planning our comfort dinners for the dates we know decisions are coming out and a part of me would rather just rip the bandaid off with no prep! :wink:


I think 4 of my D’s schools haven’t said when decisions will be released other than by April 1. Based on the threads from the last two years, it looks like last year Vassar applicants received an email with the date two days before the release and the year before it may have been the same day as the release (earlier in the day). We’re just going to plan for March 31 like last year and hope it might be earlier. :crossed_fingers:

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I don’t need constant communication or a carefully crafted email. A simple posting on their admissions site re the notification date would have sufficed and not required special resources. At this point they should know when they will be releasing, or at least have a “by X date.”
But what do they care. My feelings won’t affect their behavior. I’m just on here hoping someone has inside info on when a decision will be released.


The website says “Decisions will be available for . . . Regular Decision applicants in late March” on the FAQ page so I guess the “by X date” is March 31.

Edited to add that it’s under the “Does Vassar give admission decisions online?” question.

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Really, what does it matter if we know ahead of time when the notification date is? It wouldn’t help anyone with their travel plans, as you still would not know the decision. Breathe. Patience.


Congrats on the big offer from Connecticut College! My daughter got into MHO, but no money— we were surprised. Her colleg counselor indicated that she had a good shot at serious merit money there. Oh well, this is all a giant crap shoot, it seems! Good luck in the coming days!

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Same thing with Mt Holyoke. She did get a good scholarship from Oberlin, so we’re leaning there pending the rest of the decisions.

Any day now…

Thanks! I got into MHC too, they gave me a good amount of aid, but no merit which surprised me. Yes, good luck to your daughter!

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