Venting About Out Of State Travel

<p>My son was on a flight today scheduled to land at 2:50. He is also scheduled for the 4:00 shuttle. We specifically booked this flight, even though it was not direct, to coordinate with the shuttle.</p>

<p>Now his flight is delayed, scheduled to land at 4:00. He’ll also need to get his checked bag. The odds are good he won’t make the shuttle, so he will either have to wait for the 7:00 or pay for a private taxi, as we’ve been unable to arrange an alternate ride yet. </p>

<p>UA tells me no refund since the shuttle will be there and he’s choosing not to get on it. This would be ok if this was a consistent policy; however I know if another student who decided to go to a friends house and watch the game instead of taking the same shuttle and he got a refund - today.</p>

<p>I will never ever book my son for the return shuttle again. It is not worth the frustration. I do understand it’s not
the schools fault, but the long time times between shuttles and inconsistent policies are deal breakers.</p>

<p>My daughter was scheduled for the 4:00 shuttle today because her flight was due in at 1:00. She actually arrived at 12:50. I’m not sure when she got her checked bags but it was after 1:00. She was able to get on the 1:00 shuttle. </p>

<p>After Thanksgiving, she was on the 4:00 shuttle. They did not actually leave until 5:00 because they waited on late passengers. </p>

<p>I know you are frustrated, but hopefully it will work out and he’ll get on the shuttle. Is he flying through St. Louis? I know of another student on the 4:00 shuttle who’s been delayed in STL.</p>

<p>My son at this moment is on that flight from St. Louis. I have been told by the Shuttle Service that they are aware of the delays and will wait for them. He said they will wait until 5PM if they have to. I am hoping my information is correct and your information is wrong for the sake of both of our kids. I will keep you posted.</p>

<p>I was told that they’d wait some minutes but not add many as 30. I hope you are correct, Terry.</p>

<p>Hopefully the shuttle service will wait for delayed passengers. </p>

<p>Can you text your child to look for the shuttle anyway to see if it will be waiting.</p>

<p>My daughter is also on the St. Louis flight scheduled to arrive at 4:05. Here’s to hoping there are enough of them to hold the shuttle.</p>

<p>Sniner, I knew I had read about someone’s daughter being on that flight. </p>

<p>If they don’t make the shuttle, I am very willing to chip in for private taxi, but I will be in transit soon on my way to help set up alumni bar for the game, so I won’t be able to check posts for a bit. </p>

<p>Thanks everyone, I feel a bit better now, but not as good add I will feel.once he’s on the bus.</p>

<p>Happy to pay the other half of the taxi if necessary. </p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I got the impression they will have a bus waiting for a little while at 4PM and the dispatcher said they will have one there till 5pm also. I think they are aware that there are quite a few that may be on this flight and it is delayed. As much as I like Southwest, these connecting flights from NY are for the birds.</p>

<p>Son says they’ve landed. He still has to get his checked bag. I also called the office to confirm there will be a bus there for him until 5:00.</p>

<p>Daughter is currently sprinting to shuttle to see if they will wait while luggage is picked up. Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>So this makes me wonder what’s harder on a parent? Pacing the floor for the whole time it takes my DD to drive from Atlanta to Tuscaloosa (because Alabama can’t seem to finish any road construction projects) or being stuck in an airport because of a missed shuttle. I don’t think either option sounds great, so lots of prayers for all the kids traveling back – no matter how they’re traveling – for safe journeys and relieved and thankful parents.</p>

<p>Looks like the 4:00 shuttle left without her, but there is a 5:00 that she will be on. All worked out in the end, although a bit stressful.</p>

<p>son arrived at the airport at 1, was scheduled for the 4 pm shuttle. He caught a ride with another student to the campus…did not want to wait. It seems like lots of people are getting in today, and rides may be readily available. I did tell him to call and cancel the shuttle, just so they did not wait for him. I know that his ride back to campus at thanksgiving was very delayed while they waited.</p>

<p>I’m confused. What is wrong with waiting for the 7 pm shuttle if you miss the 4 pm one? It is not UA shuttle service fault if flights are late. They have been more than accommodating in waiting a “few” minutes (up to an hour, from the sounds of it). I know this happened at Thanksgiving, too (shuttle waited for late flights). If anything, those who are on the correct shuttle should be complaining that they have to wait for late-comers! </p>

<p>No, UA will not give refunds, but they will allow you to go on a later shuttle time if you call them. And, they will allow you on a earlier shuttle, if space is available - just show your ticket. If you miss your scheduled shuttle, it is important to call the person on the email you/student received, in order that they know they need an extra seat on the later shuttle. I have found UA’s shuttle service and the people involved very helpful.</p>

<p>Waiting 3 hours and missing half the game is what’s wrong.</p>

<p>My son had a scheduled flight at 11am today. USAirways changed the flight, without even telling us, to a 6am flight!! Ridiculous! So he emailed the shuttle people about the change asking if he could get on an earlier shuttle and the switched him no problem. Everything worked out.</p>

<p>It seems that most of the annoyance should be directed at the airlines. :/</p>

<p>Just to give some help here for the future, and maybe a little bit of advice. Your peace of mind is worth a little, sometimes a lot of, extra money to not have to worry about making the shuttle. As a parent, I don’t get to use the shuttle, or even get the taxi discount that some have mentioned in other threads, but I have used a very nice limo service and an extremely nice cab service who have been willing to wait for my late plane/train when I’ve gone down to meet son so we could share the ride home together. Since CC doesn’t allow ride share and ad posts, I’d be happy to provide you their name and phone number if you would like to PM me. </p>

<p>Hope everyone gets home safely from home/Miami, or wherever the case may be, and that all the kids have a wonderful, safe spring semester.</p>

<p>i have said this before, and i will probably say it again. it is not that hard to find a ride to or from the airport with a friend or a friend of a friend.</p>

<p>freshman year my daughter took a friend of a friend to the airport with her. i think she may have done this more than once.</p>

<p>she has gotten rides to the airport from friends. either friends going that way, or a friend will just take her from UA to the airport and go back.</p>

<p>when she needs a ride from the airport, she has always been able to find someone to either pick her up on their way back to school or someone who is already at school will come get her.</p>

<p>you can pay for gas and dinner and still come out ahead of what you would pay for most of the other options.</p>