Vibe at the college---preprofessional?

<p>My daughter is a sophomore, great student, so of course I'm looking at this school as an affordable choice. I'm wondering about the vibe at the school, as from what I read the students are mostly preprofessional. Pre-med, dental, Pre-law, education. That's great, and I commend students for thinking practically, but is this the vibe? Do kids have philosophical discussions over their drinks? My kid is kind of off beat, in a good way, a deep thinker, enjoys an abstract discussion about consciousness or dreams or religion or cultural anthropology, likes to draw, loves anime, couldnt care less about fashion or trends. We are from NYC by the way. Is this school too conventional for her? I haven't visited it yet-- all I know is what I read here and from the school's website. She might be interested in the Geology major, but it's way too soon to know. Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m a Geneseo parent. My impression is that the school draws New York students who did well in high school and on SAT/ACT and want to have a great college experience without a lot of debt. The other kids I know at Geneseo fit that definition but are otherwise very diverse! Your daughter should try to spend an overnight and talk to a lot of current students. The students who volunteer and work at admissions are very friendly and helpful.</p>

<p>Hey! I’m a current freshman and your daughter sounds a lot like me - I grew up in the city and the teachers always said I “march to my own tune,” haha! Beyond cutting out the “norm” teenage through academic rigor, Geneseo, as a small, public school located in a relatively isolated area really does attract a certain kind of student. Personally, I find everyone here to be a little eccentric - even the president of a frat that was banned because of misbehavior has a nerdy side, and some of the best parties are thrown by philosophy club. Upperclassmen in particular are very, very intellectual and I’ve met some of the smartest kids in my life at a school my family maligned. People here are quite into the outdoors, hence why they chose Geneseo, and very into long hikes peppered with serious and light-hearted witty conversation. And if your daughter comes here soon enough, I know a guy I can set her up with - he’s crazy about anime! We have an anime club, gamers guild, and zombie invasion thing for kids who want to socialize but not in the context of partying. Also, every weekend there are cute events at the union like Lazer Tag, squaredancing, and Dance Dance Revolution contests that cater to anyone who’d rather not go out. Unlike the private liberal arts schools I applied to, it doesn’t cater to privileged private school legacies, which really do make up most of the population at places like Hamilton, Colgate, etc. Beyond the wonderfully engaged staff, what has made my Geneseo experience so enchanting is that my peers don’t judge, but really try to appreciate me for all the dimensions of my personality, intelligence, and humor. I couldn’t be happier or feel more blessed.</p>

<p>This is great to hear. Thanks for the details!</p>