Video Games?

<p>To all engineering majors, how often do you get to play video games? (if you play them) I just got an Xbox one (yay) and I'm trying to decide whether to being it to college with me or not. Thanks!</p>

<p>One may indulge in distractions that don’t exist, while another may practice discipline under the beleaguer of distractions; but adding an Xbox (especially the brand new one!!!) to the mix, I assure, will never help. This is the stage in your life in which you have to start making important decisions on your own. As an engineering major, I wouldn’t even bother bringing the monstrosity to your dorm.</p>

<p>p.s. if you truly think you have total control over yourself, two or three hours a week wouldn’t hurt I suppose.</p>

<p>If you’re a first year, don’t expect to play videos games. You have to have a strong academic foundation for internship applications and to prepare for sophomore year.</p>

<p>I only played games on my gaming laptop during the Thanksgiving and Christmas break. My main laptop that I carried around with me on campus was a little 11" that had crap audio and an Intel integrated GPU, aka, no gaming. The rest of my time spent was studying or being involved with various student engineering organizations, such as the SAE Baja.</p>

<p>Plus, it’s more fun racing in an actual off-road baja vehicle and committing road-rage against other universities’ SAE drivers than to play Mario Kart.</p>

<p>Thing is, I plan on using it as a way to connect with my friends who won’t be going to the same college. Also, I spend more time on Netflix than anything else. I believe I can hold my video game playing to a moderation. Anyone else care to add to this discussion?</p>

<p>The only connection I had with my old friends was through Facebook and text messaging, both which I sparingly used. I’m the only person from my town at University of Iowa, and most of my old friends attend UIUC or Illinois State University.</p>

<p>I attempted to make new friends at Uni of Iowa. Not much success, but you have to get to know new people.</p>

<p>When I visited my local college and stayed with an engineering student for a night, many had game systems in their dorms and they were doing perfectly fine. Right now in high school I only play for around 3 hours a week (Netflix a little more, but only at 10 or 11 at night).</p>

<p>As long as you have the willpower to prevent it from becoming a time vampire then I see no problems.</p>

<p>Alright. I’ll probably bring it but if it does become a problem I’ll just bring it home but I doubt it will.</p>

<p>Me and my roomate are both engineering majors, him biomed and me computer, and we have an xbox that we play often and we both game on our laptops. It’s no problem as long as you get you’re stuff handled.</p>

<p>I’m a senior ChemE and play video games every day. I’ve gotten straight A’s my last 2 semesters and the semester before that I had all A’s but for one B+. I have a girlfriend and what I feel is a normal amount of friends. It’s all about finding your personal balance. Moderation in all things.</p>

<p>I say leave it home, avoid the temptation.</p>

<p>I go to an engineering school, so we only have STEM majors. I see plenty of gaming consoles on campus. It is really up to you if you can handle schoolwork and making friends. It is a great way to make friends, especially in your dorm or floor. </p>

<p>I usually only play video games over break, since I have no time, nor desire, to play during school.</p>

<p>I bought a PS3 last Christmas and a bunch of games. Hardly got used because of homework/ tired/ not enough time to play a satisfying amount. Occasionally I’ll play a few games of League of Legends if I have a spare 30min-1hr. </p>

<p>My usual routine is homework, clubs/ organizations, food, imgur/reddit/youtube, friends.</p>

<p>I knew this thread would be conflicting :stuck_out_tongue: some are saying bring it, some are saying not too. I think I’m gonna bring it. My Xbox has netflix (code monkeys is awesome btw…), and is the main portal to all my high school friends (why just talk on the phone when you can game at the same time :P). I guarantee I won’t be playing much, but even every once and a while will be enough to justify me bringing it. Now here’s a curve ball, how likely will it get stolen? If I keep my doors locked I should be fine right? Or should I jimmy rig up a locking system?</p>

<p>I played video games in high school but quit for college and only play when I’m home on breaks. I would say leave it at home.</p>

<p>I would say leave it, when new games come out! The few that have consoles start slacking! It’s kinda of hard not to play say if you get frustrated with the classes! It’s and easy entertaining scape goat! Leave it! If you are somewhat a normal student your time is going to get consume with friends/homework/studying/groups/girlfriend all of these are better than sitting and playing video games</p>

<p>Leave it at home. You’re in college, there are WAY better things to be doing then playing Xbox and I’m not talking about just studying. College is about going out and meeting people, not playing Xbox. </p>

<p>I had the option of bringing my Xbox up with me when I entered my freshmen year in College and I’m glad that I didn’t. Instead of playing Call of Duty I was out meeting people and studying. I had a friend who brought his with and he had a hard time keeping his grades up and also didn’t go out and make a lot of friends.</p>

<p>Trust me, leave it at home. You will not regret it. Binge play it on breaks like there’s no tomorrow (I’ve racked up over a day of playing time on Ghosts on my Xbox One over Break lol), but leave it at home during the semester.</p>

<p>Depends on your school. Does your school have a lot of thefts? A lot of thefts are opportunity thefts. Keep your doors locked every time you leave the room (even to shower), unless you trust your roommate and your roommate is there. </p>

<p>Apparently our dorm room doors were pretty difficult to lock pick too though.</p>

<p>I would bring it in case. I am a senior in aerospace engineering at UIUC and I have had an XBOX 360 through all of college. I have been active in many clubs done some research here, on top of getting mostly A’s while taking 17-18 credits per semester. And among this, I still find time to hang with people at school and play some video games or watch Netflix on my Xbox. This last semester has been really busy, so I rarely played games, but I did use my Xbox for occasional Netflix movies! You never know how nice it could be to have around if u have nothing to do. </p>

<p>This being said, make sure to be honest to yourself about how distracting having this console could be. You wouldn’t want to risk hurting your academics and ability to have a social life. These are more important, in my opinion, then pwning noobs on Call of Duty or Battlefield or something, even if it is fun.</p>