
<p>haha, ok. well i<code>m a freshman in highschool ++ i love this school. but i don</code>t know if i`m smart enough for this school.

and i cant really judge by SATs or anything, because i havent taken them yet.

well for the first few marking periods, i have like a 95 + 96 average. if i maintain this , is it good enough?

and i take part in EC's and i continue to take part in them.
like, i`m in basketball, softball, soccer, yorkers club, foreign language club. and that's it.</p>

<p>also, i do some community service.</p>

<p>and from the 2 regents tests, i have taken so far, i`ve gotten a 89 on earth science and a 95 on the math a regents.</p>

<p>am, i like on the right start ?? or am i completely too dumb for villanova?</p>

<p>haha, and don<code>t think i</code>m like a loser or anything for caring about this in the 9th grade.. haha</p>

<p>um...U will get in. Villanova is not hard at all.</p>

<p>I don't think you're a loser! But you should concentrate on just living right now, not trying to impress college admissions boards. Take the hardest classes you can handle, do your best in school, and participate in the extra-curriculars you love. If you do all of that, you should have no problem getting into the school that's the best fit for you. </p>

<p>Stay away from these college forums! They'll freak you out. Just push yourself in everything you do and you will be fine. By the time you apply to college you'll be a very different person, and might not even be interested in Villa Nova anymore, so don't try to tailor yourself to a specific school.</p>

<p>One word of advice, though, since you're starting so young- do something productive with your summers: get a job, do a summer sport, take classes, do volunteer work, but do something, and keep all your ECs pretty well documented.</p>