Virginia Tech C/O 2018 Waitlist Thread

<p>Might as well start a discussion thread for those who got waitlisted. Apparently, we hear by back by July 1st at the very latest, and looking at the statistics, VT doesn't dive into the waitlist pool half of the time -_-. This year, 2,300 students were put on the waitlist for a class size of 5,400...terrible odds if you ask me.</p>

<p>Lets see who decided to stay on the waitlist and how many get admitted. Put your name and place of residence. You have nothing to lose by trying. Good luck everybody!</p>

<p><strong><em>Official 2014 Virginia Tech Waitlist Thread</em></strong>
1. Gnippaf - VA

Keep in mind it was offered to 2,300 students, doesn’t mean that many accepted a wait-list place. But, I agree, no matter what “the odds are not in our favor”.</p>

@gnippaf‌ just be happy with JMU, its a great school</p>

<p>@123redskins Agree JMU is a great place! It was a very, very close second to VT for me (parents went there so the pressure is off) and I am excited to attend JMU. Did you decide where you are going?</p>

<p>@bboop42 Yah, I’m going to JMU next year! It seems silly that i was barely considering going there a few months ago but now love the place. Some of my friends where very surprised that I got into JMU but waitlisted at Tech, I’ve heard they are very much on par with each other(well Tech maybe a smidge above JMU).</p>

<p>Yup. My brother in ME at VT and was so glad I got waitlisted so I didn’t have to choose. He said go to JMU, the professors care about their students and said he doesn’t have any friends that don’t love it. Being in Engineering, JMU wasn’t really an option for him. JMU has a very similar vibe (social, small town, mountains, school spirit) as VT, fewer TAs teaching classes, professors not so research centric and it is 3.5 hrs vs 4.5 hrs from home (mom likes this). Once the shock and/or disappointment wears off I guess you realize all things work out how they are supposed to.</p>

<p>I would go to Penn State, but my parents can’t afford it, so I’m probably either going to George Mason or UMBC.</p>

<p>I hear good things about GMU Engineering. Not familar with UMBC</p>

<p>FYI - Two years ago, my daughter got off the waitlist at Virginia Tech on May 4th. She loves VT. I also have another daughter who graduated from JMU last year. She had a wonderful experience and now has a good job. Wherever you end up going to college, I am sure you will be thrilled with it and not be able to imagine yourself anywhere else.</p>

<p>@BlueHen89‌ Thanks for the words of motivation!</p>

<p>any news on the wait list, someone who was going to JMU said he got off the VT waitlist in our group chat. He got kicked before i could ask him how he knew lol.</p>

<p><em>quick update</em> he was kidding</p>

<p>Yeah…VT seems to be very slow to start waitlist notifications (if any) based on what I heard in past years. Seems like bunches of other schools already have started to notifity, or have told students it will be within the next week. (UVA, JMU, GMU…) Oh well, fingers crossed for all.</p>

<p>Any updates for anyone?</p>

<p>I just was offered admission off of the waiting list. I’m very excited, and I am definitely going to accept the offer. I just don’t know how/where to do that.</p>

<p>Congrats! What major please and how were you notified</p>

<p>Congrats! Are you instate or out state by the way?</p>

<p>Oh my God…Is this a good sign!?
My status changed from waitlist candidate to offered admission.</p>

<p>I got in for university studies, I think that goes for all waitlist applicants. But I just checked the status page and there was big red “offered admission”. No email yet or anything else</p>

<p>Yes gnippaf, thats really good haha. I think we should get some kind of mail with instructions</p>