Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Accepted OOS - 3.68 UW, 1340 SAT, Private HS does not rank


Kids interests can change. ED is great but only if you are sure.

Has anyone heard back on Davenport? I got an email like a month ago that said I’d hear back by/on today no matter if I got it or didn’t but haven’t heard anything yet

UT Austin is even more restricted in terms of OOS admission (similar to UNC). Only 10% of the UT Austin freshman class is OOS and international, the other 90% are in-state kids. (I saw estimates that the acceptance rate for OOS applicants was 7% this year; very competitive process).

If you would have been out of state, you would have been admitted and given an almost full scholarship. If NJ, then most likely a full ride.

Perfect example. My daughter in-state, better UW GPA, and higher SAT… and she gets denied. Va. Tech is in it for the OOS coin!!

Many high performing, high stats kids at DC’s high school were waitlisted while the less stellar students at the same school were admitted. If this isn’t yield protection, I don’t know what is. Does VT explicitly say they don’t practice yield protection?

Daughter in-state tidewater waitlisted
4.8 w gpa
Rank 7 / 450ish
Latin club
Va Governor’s Latin academy
Summer science program in astrophysics

She has taken 10 classes( enrolled in 2 more this semester) at tidewater community college all in mechanical drafting and engineering ( 3.9 gpa). This summer she can formally apply to tcc, take “ how to study” and a PE class, formally get credit for ap and Ib classes and she will have an associates degree in computer aided design. She won’t even be 18 years old. So you can imagine it was like rubbing salt into the wound reading the bit on the waitlist letter about taking classes at community college and transferring to tech in a few years.

I am professional engineer in Va and have a masters degree from tech. I can honestly state that she could work with me right now. I personally don’t know anybody that works harder.


My D was accepted Engineering. 35 ACT (comparable to 1540-1560 SAT), 3.92 UW GPA at competitive STEM high school in NJ. No Honors College, $3K in merit. Yes, she was accepted. No, she did not receive a windfall.

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Anyone know the date for RD notification? “Early March” is what the admissions site says, but what has the RD release date/time been in the past, or what is it anticipated to be this year?

@onslowfam I totally get it. We are disappointed too about no merit. After much thought it seems unlikely we will end up at VTech. He has a nice offer at Purdue, Texas A&M, and our in state schools. Best of luck to you and your son.

Anyone knows when might they start looking at waitlisted candidates? Probably after RD decisions obvio, but when’s that?

Great point. And it’s not just statistically insignificant based on size. It’s a massively non-representative sample. All posters are the kinds of parents who would post on a site like this. Thank goodness not everyone in the world is as obsessed with college admissions as we are.


A huge challenge of ED is that the commitment happens before the financial aid award. Not everyone can commit to a college at full price, and a lot of colleges don’t meet full demonstrated need.

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For those that need the info:

OOS. Waitlisted
9 AP, 1 DE
Test Optional
NHS, National ASL Award, National Latin Award
Junior Olympic Gymnast 10 years.
Varsity Soccer, Premier Club Soccer Team
Biliteracy American Sign Language

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Ton’s of other EC’s. Would be happy to be a Hokie and get off the waitlist:)

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Why would you say that to another parent on this thread? It’s antagonistic and unnecessary.


This is just flat out inaccurate. Do a little research, and ■■■■■ elsewhere.


I get it re: financial aid. I believe you can get a portion of the ED fee back though should the aid question be part of the equation.

I’ve learned a lot through the process. We had a plan when he entered freshman year and it’s worked out. Knowing your limits is key.

I pushed him to take as much DE as possible in the last two years. I knew it would help with his college apps and take the money strain off - and potentially help him bridge to a state college if his plans didn’t work it. Fortunately they have. He’ll finish with 45 credits from the VCCS. This helps me stomach the cost much better because he’s looking at a 2 1/2-3 undergrad stint as opposed to 4. VT historically offers little merit (probably more to OOS to cushion the blow of tuition). I never put a lot of stock into scholarships from the beginning as I know that they’re mostly going to the top of the board (ELITE students get most of the money, anything less gets little to none). We’ve applied for plenty of scholarships (he’s going to at least make the effort) - but it’s not something we were ever banking on.

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