Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Is there a method to who they take off the waitlist first? Or is it just random.

@xKiwiDonuts Wait list pulls are based on the spaces available within the specific majors after the university starts to compile data on who has matriculated.

@hopeforthebest123 Wait list pulls are driven by space that becomes available after offered students decline their offer. It will definitely be after RD decisions. If you dig through last year’s threads you might be able to piece together a potential timeline. I can’t remember if anyone was pulled before the matriculation deadline or if it was after.

… this was post referring to moderated post

, you are mad sure but take this arrogantly attitude somewhere else. You know nothing about this other applicant but you are saying your daughter deserves the spot more. What is wrong with you?


There will be waitlist pulls most likely - incorrect information from OP.

I accidentally accepted the waitlist twice so now it shows two check marks for the waitlist response on two separate days. Does this matter?

I urge everyone to read this NYT article about this year’s admissions process.

There has always been a bit of uncertainty caused by the waitlists at highly selective colleges, which have downstream effects on everyone else.

This year the uncertainty has become an all-encompassing chaos, affected by test-optional, inability to visit schools, applicants who “don’t want to throw away their shot”, and other factors that resulted in way too many applications for too few spots. Many applicants have applied to up to 20 schools using the Common App. Some universities have elected to take advantage of this to promote their own objectives, others are just waiting for the dust to settle. That has created a wave of chaos throughout the system, as reflected in these threads on this and other boards.

All we can do as parents is love our children and take care of our own families. That means waiting, probably through the summer, for the dust to settle. It also means immediately withdrawing from schools that our children are not going to attend so that someone else can take their place (which will entail some tough talk about money, expectations and life). We are doing this for VA Tech.

If we all do this, we can get through this chaos.


I read that last night, it’s all true. More selective schools are drowning in apps. Less selective schools (and smaller schools) are facing serious enrollment and budget issues. This also affects who can ‘open’ their campus. You’ll notice that the bigger schools with waiting lists and deeper pockets are able to reduce campus density, focus more on online rather than in-person classes, etc. The smaller schools’ budgets are more vulnerable to drops in enrollment and students choosing to stay home (rather than live on campus) because of online schedules. It’s one of the reasons we see smaller regional schools committing to in-person classes as much as possible.

And yes, all we can do as parents is help them focus on their acceptances and find things to like about different options. Deferrals and waitlists might come through, but a practical focus on the ‘yesses’ and keeping a positive attitude about the process will help them navigate this stage.


Okay that may be true but maybe you forgot how much VT cares about the UT Prosim Profile. Maybe your daughter didn’t write the best essays? I personally spent multiple days refining each of my 4 essays so I could have the best chance of getting in.


in state - engineering: accepted with honors
4.4W 4.0UW
1510 SAT / 34 ACT
8 AP tests (all 4s and 5s, AP scholar)

Club sport (captain), piano, art (scholastic keys, etc), science olympiad (awards), and other school clubs and community service

At my school (public, swva) I don’t know anyone who was waitlisted or denied.


I am very sorry that you have to defend yourself against a parent who basically said their daughter deserved to get in more than you do. That is a terrible thing to tell a child. This is not about you - you got caught in the crosshairs of someone who is very angry right now. You obviously worked very hard and deserve to be happy about your acceptance. Congratulations!


Can anyone shed some light on the selection criteria for honors? It appears to be not purely data driven. My OOS S21 had a 4.0 uw, a 1580 SAT and almost all of his classes were AP or dual enrollment. He also has hundreds of community service hours with a meaningful focus on stem outreach. He spent a ton of time on his essays. But, alas, not invited to VT honors.

From my recollection, VT didn’t look at the common app essay or letters of rec, correct? Just 4 very short essay questions. So, if they aren’t selecting honors based on high stats, and they aren’t using letters of rec…I’ve got to surmise they are gleaning something intangible from the short essay questions. I looked at the VT honors website and they mention a holistic assessment of engagement, self-awareness, and authenticity. This seems to be a far cry from other colleges that choose the highest stats kids for the honors program.

Anyone have any insight?

Editing to add: from the results above, there also doesn’t seem a strong correlation between honors invites and merit awards. Another bit of confusion…

We noticed this with UGA also-- honors admission and merit scholarships are not well correlated. Someone explained that they are different departments/offices of the university making the decisions, so they will not necessarily line up at all. Maybe that’s part of the issue at VT (although VT is famous for not giving a lot of merit money and people shouldn’t be too surprised by this).

One more thing, I’m hearing you need to be invited to Honors to be in the running for Stamps. Is this true?

My S21 put together a very nice Stamps essay. Does this mean it won’t even be read as he wasn’t invited to honors?

Seriously? You don’t know the first thing about any of these kids applications, their rigor or the essays etc.

Take your entitlement elsewhere.


Does anyone know if any Danforth or Stamps decisions have been announced?

I don’t know the procedure at VT but FWIW Our DS was accepted into the honors program at our flagship state university 10 years ago. Back then it was data driven to get into honors and there didn’t seem to be a correlation between merit and honors, maybe because they take more into honors than they have scholarships for merit. The only advantage that honors had back then was a separate dorm (which actually wasn’t as good as some of the others), and when you graduate your diploma shows that you are an honors graduate. Our son did not want to mess with having to take certain honors courses so he discontinued that path. He graduated with a high GPA, got a great job and is now back pursuing his PhD in Molecular Bio. The point is, we (and he) would rather have had the merit scholarship money than getting into the honors program. Had the honors program been a requirement for merit aid, then that would have made a difference. I’m sure your son will do great, honors or no honors.

What I’m seeing, for 2021, for VTech is that you’ll be admitted EA if you have good stats. If you have great stats, you’ll be waitlisted.


Looking at the waitlist thread for last year, April 7th was the date for the first round of waitlist actions. Prior to that, someone in last year thread said it was the last week in April.

Lets all just pray the year on year off cycle doesn’t continue.

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How will we know if we get off the waitlist? Do we just check the portal every once in awhile or do we get an email?