Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Used to be the back up to the back up school.

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Not in recent years. Just read through this thread to get an idea.

Common Data Set says out of 30.7k applicants, about 10k were offered a wait list spot last year and about 7k accepted the spot. About 4k of those offered admission.


I’m curious if anyone has received either the Stamps or the Danforth. My understanding was that Danforth announcements would be made this past Saturday. Given how many top prospects were placed on wait lists, is it possible that some of the Danforth nominees (including students who made it to the second round) and/or Stamps nominees were not admitted?

also got waitlisted in state, from NOVA. LOL I was Deferred ED and then Waitlisted when EA came out. Applied for University studies (undecided)

wait this is for VT? what would this mean for this year because on the VT waitlist FAQ it shows that there was a pattern of the amount of people who got off the waitlist and a year that they didn’t offer anyone from the waitlist a spot… I hope that pattern doesn’t continue for this year. I was Deferred ED and then waitlisted EA

is there a chance that people will get accepted off the waitlist this year for the fall 2021 semester? I got Deferred ED and now Waitlisted EA. My major is university studies (undecided)

A couple of years ago, the incoming class was way too big and freshman were actually offered $$ to defer a year to help with the issue. Likely the year waitlist wasn’t drawn from. But since then, I’d bet the waitlist is used more (to avoid the repeat of an extra huge class). More use of the waitlist the past 2 cycles is a probable reaction to the freshman overbooking of a couple years ago. So looking at stats from last year (which JES shows) is more applicable than any stats prior to last year.

I pulled those stats from the latest CDS – this year’s freshman.

The crazy overenrollment year (Spring 2019) was completely different – they only offered 200 people a place on the waitlist and offered to 150 of those.

I hate that pattern I hope the low yield pulls through this year. I got deferred ED and now Waitlisted EA. My major chosen was University studies (undecided). I really do hope they make lots of offers to waitlisted students who are in-state.

lmaoo I did that too. I guess it’ll show them that you really want to go​:joy::joy:

Last year it seemed like more than half of the waitlisted students were offered admission. Last year was an odd year for sure due to covid and lots of waitlist movement, but I would assume you’ll see similar this year, maybe not half but a good %.

I just got an email from VT that said congrats on being a public health major. I applied and was admitted for neuroscience… How concerned should I be?

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I also got that as an aero engineering major

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an oops email was just sent out.

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also in fops and waitlisted currently

They sent an OOPS email follow up. My son got one from business like 3 min later so I assumed it was an oopsy

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We have seen a recent history of every other year no pulls from the waitlist. Of course with Covid everything is unpredictable. My assumption this year has been that we will see a move away from that trend of no waitlist pulls being that the new dorms in the Creative and Innovation District will be opening up and providing the ability for VT to handle more of this Freshman growth. Good luck to those on the waitlist - we are wishing you the best.


Hi, if I’m denied an invitation to honors, will I receive a notification?

I got the same email as well.