Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

My son was also accepted to Engineering (with an interest in computer science) off the waitlist. My question to those who were accepted to Engineering, how do you feel about being accepted as General Engineering (which is true for everyone who has applied for any of the 15 engineering majors offered at VTech) with an option to declare your major at the end of first year?
It is my understanding that a 3.0 GPA must be achieved by the end of first year in order to be accepted into your first choice major. And, though, on hopes for the best, there is always that chance that the first year might prove to be more overwhelming that you had hoped for, negatively affecting the GPA. The uncertainty of not knowing whether or not you will end up in the program of your choice sounds like a bit of a gamble. Is it a gamble?

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They also just announced a 2.9% tuition increase but I guess it doesn’t matter if your student’s heart is set in going there

I like the idea of the General Engineering first year experience for my S21 since he’s a STEM kid who doesn’t truly know which engineering major he’s leaning toward. He thinks he wants Biomedical but isn’t 100% sure. Exploring different areas freshman year will hopefully help. Also, Biomedical is the one engineering major that has an additional application/interview requirement, over the GPA requirement.

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I actually also like the fact they the kids get exposed to various engineering fields during the first year, before they declare their major. It sounds amazing, at least in theory. I’m just really worried about the possibility of not ending up where you thought or hoped you’d end up after the first year.

I don’t think minimum GPAs/progression requirements are all that unusual for freshman engineering. I know Purdue and Wisconsin have them, and I’m sure other places do too.

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i just accepted my offer and I’m real confused, how do you create your PID ID thing? do you have to wait for an email?

If I recall you’ll get an email with instructions.

did anyone in liberal arts get off the waitlist?

Yes, my son. Political Science.

Daughter got in from the WL. OOS (CA), 4.0W, 30 ACT. Sociology. Very torn now between UGa and VT. Please let us know if anyone has insight on the major differences between the two. Feels like both schools have distinct personalities. Going to visit both in the next two weeks. Best of luck to all on here…

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Did anyone get in for neuroscience?

Is political science the major that there is a cap on how many students can be in?

Did anyone instate get taken off the waitlist?

We went last weekend (drove from Mass) and my daughter fell in love with the campus and the town. VT had been in her top three but after the visit, we made the deposit and she’s committed. We walked around campus for hours - couldn’t go in any buildings (other than the student center (where the info center is really helpful)) but you can see quite a lot. There were a good amount of kids around (big flag football game on the drill field, cadets in formation, students just out and about). Worth a visit!


@swimnys All majors at VT technically have “caps” on how many students they admit. Some may just be much more limited in size (some performing arts majors for instance).

@NJMom18 100% you can walk around the campus. I don’t think much of anything other than Squires and the bookstore will be open to non-students though. Graduation is coming up mid-May and they are doing a variety of in-person ceremonies (my guess is they are spreading them out over several days) - so depending on when you choose to go and whether it’s an overnight visit you may want to plan on mid-week. Wear your mask!


Congratulations! We are planning a trip down for next week when my son is on Spring Break.

Thanks, great to know. we are definitely going to go down before he makes his final choice.

@swimnys - I would make a separate post outside the decision thread asking your questions.

Here is a good place to go to see how many students they typically enroll for each major:

And also how many they accept to get to that: