Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

And both Virginia Tech and NC State accept by college, not by major, correct?

@WorkSmart2025 For VT you choose a major to apply into and that’s how students are accepted. Several of the colleges have undecided options within them, but you still apply under that category. My student applied “business undecided” for instance, while his friend applied BIT.

So, more specifically, an intended CS major (housed in the College of Engineering) would be accepted as a CS major right away, or would be accepted to the CoE and then declare the CS major after the first year? (For CS there is seem to be different models, depending on university).

CoE seems to work a little differently at VT in past years, so it’s possible it is a general engineering app followed by a declaration later. Maybe have the student contact admissions to ask?

Students are admitted to General Engineering. If, at the end of freshman year, they have a 3.0 they will get their first choice of major. If less than 3.0, they might not get into their first choice (it is space available basis). Biomedical engineering is the exception and requires an additional application. The doc below explains the process.

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That is so helpful, @rbc2018, thank you! Are their education advantages or disadvantages to CoE first, major second vs. diving straight into the major? Are their increased chances of admission with this system of simply getting into the college first?

I think it’s probably harder to get into Computer Science programs that are housed within engineering, but my guess is that employers really like those graduates. First year engineering students at VT take an intro to engineering class that introduces them to all of the different areas of engineering, which I think probably helps some kids decide what area they want to go into to.

Yes, re: the general first year experience for engineering students. I think it’s smart b/c previously, engineers would start down a path and have to double back and take different classes if they changed tracks. This is one thing that contributed to the common (and expensive) issue of 5th year engineering students.

I know the 5th year issue still happens, but my understanding is the first-year exploratory program that many engineering schools now use has helped reduce that problem. (Some engineering programs also reduced required credits which had crept up and up over the decades…)

This year Virginia Tech has received the most applicants ever. This makes me super nervous.

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This year is crazy

Over 43,000 - wow! Super nervous here too!!

VT gives very little merit

Yes but their enrollment figure is about 25% overall.

Cant wait until the decisions are sent out ! VT is my daughters number 1 choice and in any other year I wouldn’t be sweating it… but this year just seems different. She has already received 7 other offers of admission… but this is the one she wants !!! GO HOKIES !!


Same here! I’m super nervous for my son who applied Engineering. I saw someone posted that EA decisions come out on the 19th but not sure if that is certain as I’ve not seen that date posted by VT Admissions anywhere.

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@PHHS2021 @CGFVT96 Same! VT has become S21’s top choice. I wish he had arrived at that conclusion earlier in the process and would have applied ED! He applied engineering and is OOS so given this crazy year, I am just worried. Also, the fact that VT admissions doesn’t consider things that other schools do (LORs for example) just has me anxious for him.


Just curious, what are LORs?

letters of recommendation

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my son’s school told him today it was the week of 2/21

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My son applied EA also and we are OOS. He applied to VT CofE. VT is his top choice school. Can anyone comment on the VT Corps of Cadets? He has an ROTC scholarship and plans to use it there. I’ve read that joining the Corps of Cadets can have a small positive influence on admissions. Besides that, he has good stats, ECs, and essays.