Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes- I would wonder that too. Just responding to some questioning if it is an influencing factor. Obviously OOS pays a higher rate. I’ve given up trying to figure out what happens in admissions anymore… we are just doing our best and going forward!

There is a question asking if you are applying for financial aid - yes or no


What percentage of OOS students get merit money or financial aid?

Not sure but my son got $3k which is less than we had hoped for but understand with it being an OOS public school.

Do the Admissions Departments have access to all of the FAFSA information?

Oh I have no idea- I really would hope not. But I definitely don’t have that answer!

Per this website, compiled October 2021, VT is not need blind for OOS or international students, but it is for in-state students. The Google definition of need blind is: denoting a college admissions policy in which applicants are judged solely on their merits, irrespective of their ability to pay for tuition. Therefore, my understanding is that they can consider ability to pay for OOS students and international students as one part of the admissions process. VT certainly doesn’t seem to be alone in this, U of SC, UVA, and UMD, as just a few examples, are also listed as need blind for in-state only. **I did try to find more recent data and was unsuccessful, so please let me know if there has been any changes you all can find, I would love to know!


Wouldn’t you consider an in-state student who is paying their entire tuition and room and board as “full pay” also?


We are OOS full pay but filled out the FAFSA because VT requires it for merit scholarships (not sure if they use it to consider merit, but you have to submit it to claim the merit). We have to update it every year in order for my daughter to retain her scholarship. I asked the FA office about it, given that we are full pay, and they said they just need to have it on file every year.

I’m pretty sure I submitted it prior to her acceptance because I was unclear on how it was connected to merit offers. I’ve always read that in general, the admissions and FA departments operate separately during the admissions process, so I’m not sure if VT admissions is privy to an applicant’s FA info (other than the FA prompt on the Common App). Anyway, like others said, the merit offers generally aren’t going to tip the scales on someone coming to VT if finances are an issue - nonetheless it was a nice surprise for my daughter to receive it. We knew going in that VT was not known for high merit.

Merit offers appear to be declining in general, as D21 received considerably less from the same schools (with higher stats) than D13. Applicants are applying to more schools and know which ones are likely to offer merit.

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It is, we are in VA very close to both UVA and VT… if a child gets deferred it is recommended to notify the school that you will not be accepting FA, to increase your chance. “Increase” your chance, not guarentee. Same with any college, tho. These schools are not the only ones. Most applications ask if you intend on applying for FA. Supposed “need-blind” schools will waive application fees if applying. It is very visible on applications.

Have any accepted folks been able to sign up for the April Hokie Focus? Original marketing material said it would be open for registration in late February but when I go out there all I see is a schedule, no registration link? Thanks!

Yes. My son got another email on the 25th with links to register. Maybe check junk folder?

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Speculated Data (compiled from previous years stats AND the AOs public statements on admissions) to keep in mind and might explain why a student wasn’t admitted:

  • 42000+(???) applications
  • 6300 Enrollees(approx) 33% yield (20K admits)
  • 30+% are allocated to OOS
  • For In-state-50%—NOVA 50% —Other
  • 30-40% allocated to URM/1st Time College(goal)

If 15000 (probable) NOVA kids applied, about 6200 will get accepted (2100 enroll) Factor out URM/1st Gen and you are looking at potentially less than 35% acceptance if they fall outside the URM/1st Gen.


And there it was :joy: thanks!

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Thanks for this-they did publish they had 45,000 applications!! Crazy numbers!

I think the question here is whether among very well qualified applicants the differentiator would be full pay or other “practical” considerations. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that full pay OOS students are admitted over better qualified students

That wasn’t my assumption- that would be incredibly insulting. “Better”, “more qualified” is subjective in some regards was the point I was trying to make.

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When we went to tour VT, the admission talk actually had a slide that listed RD as “Space Available”. The admission counselor was pretty up front during out talk to not apply RD and not to apply undecided. Both would greatly lower chance of admission.

Our daughter applied EA to VT this year - Bio major also. 4.4 GPA 1500 SAT and was admitted. I doubt she would have gotten in applying RD.


Congratulations!! Great Stats! DD was also accepted to Virginia Tech! COE (Aerospace Engineering Interest). She accepted her offer and made her Deposit last night. Welcome to HOKIE Land!!


My oldest definitely wishes she had applied EA. We didn’t do the tour with her because she’d participated in VA Honors Band and spent a few days on campus so she knew she liked VT. If only we’d had that pointer, she might be there now!