Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

For any RD applicants who are here, decisions are releasing today at 5:00 PM per Juan’s twitter account.

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How does RD work of there is already a large waitlist from EA? Does anyone get admitted RD or just added to waitlist with the others?

RD is "space available - read as unlikely but possible.

EDIT: Sorry, just realized this is an ED thread.

In state, RD. What they said:

After a thorough review of your application by the Admissions Committee, I am delighted to inform you that you have been offered admission to Virginia Tech in General Engineering with an interest in ##### as a First-Year student for the Fall 2022 term. With more than 45,000 applications for 6,834 seats in our first-year class, it was an extremely competitive process. After reviewing your application, it was clear that your hard work and determination deserved an offer into the Virginia Tech Class of 2026!


@sllemon How do you convey that you are not applying for FA? There is no place to do that on the portal and with so many applicants it seems like a lost cause to just email Admissions blindly.

Son OOS accepted EA into Business major.
Based on the comments here, we weren’t expecting much merit aid, and that turned out to be the case. VT Scholar Award $5300.
I loved our visit, but kiddo wasn’t really into it. so becoming a Hokie family not likely.

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Please encourage him to decline his offer as soon as possible then so that a spot may open up for a waitlisted applicant.


What is your son’s top college choice?

Well, it was UNC, where his brother is currently, but sadly didn’t get in.
Next up is UVA (applied RD), but that’s a tough one this year as well. Accepted at Clemson, South Carolina, Georgia, Auburn - so one of those will have to become the new favorite if UVA doesn’t come through.


Great Colleges! It seems like a win-win situation no matter what college your son ultimately selects! Congrats!!

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What didn’t your kid like about it? Just curious. DH & I really like it for our kid but she’s still weighing her options.

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Nothing really specific that I recall. Just kinda ‘meh’ on Blacksburg in general, and our tour guide wasn’t great. Plus, we toured UVA that same day, and he loved that, so VT dropped a notch.
I thought it was great - Reminded me of Texas A&M where I went.
The best tours we’ve had are ones where we find a friend (or just a former alum from same high school) who’s a current student -much more personal, can sneak into buildings not on the regular tour, get the good/bad/ugly about everything, etc. We had those kinds of tours at USC, Clemson, UNC and UVA, so they have stayed at top of his list.

Thanks!! Yes, she was fortunate to have 2 tours there of that type - a kid who graduated from her HS last year and a girl in her major of interest whose mom I connected with on the school’s Parent FB page. So she got more of a personalized no holds barred version. Best of luck to your son!

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My son did not like Blacksburg either. The town seemed so small compared to the size of the campus. Plus he likes warmer weather. He will likely decline his acceptance offer to VT. He loves University of South Carolina, but we need to see what they offer in terms of money. Going to check out Auburn in a few weeks, good scholarship offer there. Still waiting to hear from Air Force Academy, which is first choice.


FWIW, that’s already more than twice of a few aids (for in-state) that I’ve seen over two admission cycles.


When do regular decisions get released? I can’t find a date anywhere. Thanks!

Last Friday.

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Thank you! Are there any EA waitlisted students here that have been offered an acceptance?

Congrats to your kiddo!
My DD made a last minute decision to apply ED to William and Mary and was accepted, so she declined VT. We figured she might go with a smaller school but DD was pretty focused on Tech for a long time. In the end it was conversations with the head of the Biology department at WM that did it for her.


It’s fairly uncommon for waitlist pulls to occur this soon after regular decision results. Technically, the school isn’t in a position to offer waitlist pulls until after the matriculation deadline unless there are a large number of offers declined within a specific program. Just speculating, but with the pandemic in the rear-view I think there will far fewer quick-declines than in the past 2 years.