Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

That is awesome! William and Mary is a great school! A few of my friends have children who attended WM.

Has anyone heard about any movement in waitlist so far ?

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Recently written by an excellent college counselor, I hope that this helps. My son just declined my acceptance as a business major to Tech so I hope that helps in a small way as well.

General things you need to know about waitlists:
ā€¢ Colleges will be watching numbers daily. If they realize they have space, they might move to the waitlist before May 1. Because of this, you can wait to deposit at another college until the last week of April (deposits are non-refundable), but you should make a plan to attend another just in caseā€”and deposit by Friday, April 29 if you have not heard from your waitlist.
ā€¢ Waitlists typically are not ranked. Instead, colleges look at how they want to continue building the class. For example, geography (in state vs out of state), major, gender, financial need, and other variables could come into play.
ā€¢ There is no guarantee a college will have financial aid/scholarships for waitlisted students.
ā€¢ Colleges will try to release waitlists once they know their class is filled. Sometimes this will be in May, sometimes this could take until June.
ā€¢ Do not be surprised if a college contacts you about your waitlist status. Before moving to the waitlist, many colleges will touch base with students to make sure they are still interestedā€”they do not want to waste admits. So watch your e-mail and voice mail.
ā€¢ Many colleges hope to go to their waitlist as part of their enrollment management plan; but, given the uncertainty provided by the increase in applications, they do not have much information yet. Check their FAQ for the best info at this time.


Itā€™s fairly uncommon for waitlist pulls to occur this soon after regular decision results. Technically, the school isnā€™t in a position to offer waitlist pulls until after the matriculation deadline unless there are a large number of offers declined within a specific program. Just speculating, but with the pandemic in the rear-view I think there will far fewer quick-declines than in the past 2 years.

There are still decisions to be released as well. My daughter is a transfer student and wonā€™t find out if she is was accepted until mid April.

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Is there another thread for this yearā€™s waitlist group? Iā€™m not sure how regularly my son checks his email so I thought Iā€™d try to keep aware of movement on the waitlist through CC.

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There is a thread right below this one. I would encourage your son to get in the habit of checking his email - notes re: movement on CC wonā€™t necessarily provide any real insight since waitlist pulls are by major and not in a linear, weighted fashion.


Agree with @ShenVal18 . @CABS2021, If Virginia Tech remains a top choice, your son needs to be checking his email daily until the waitlist is closed or he has decided he is no longer interested in VT. Good luck.

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Thank you for this detail info @dcortese . Keeping fingers crossed !! My DS really wish to be there . Universe :pray::blush:ā€¦

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Youā€™re preaching to the choir!

Yeah, it seems like most kids arenā€™t email-centric just yet. Itā€™s important though - everything, and I mean everything about their journey moving forward at VT will come to their Tech email account. Housing selection slot is a biggee.

Not just VT but in life, though my young colleagues are messaging me on MS Teams instead of email, so now Iā€™m the dog who needs to learn new tricks!

Dd is more than likely going to pull her name from the waitlist. She recently received acceptance offers to UVA, Washington & Lee, and also William & Mary. VT was one of her top choices but the talk about yield rate has left her feeling less than enthusiastic. Good luck to everyone still waiting!

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Re: waitlist- my daughter will be declining her offer of admission to VT (biochem- so not sure if it helps anyone on here, seems like most are engineering?) Best wishes to everyone!

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My daughter seems to have narrowed down to Purdue and VT for engineering (current plan is Environmental/Civil though that could change). Cost will be the same. Purdue is 2 flights + the 75 min shuttle. VT is 3 hrs by car. Both seem like great schools. If anyone has food for thought beyond distance & weather (I know it gets cold in BB too), Iā€™m all ears.

Since costs are similar, and distance and weather donā€™t seem to be a big factor, Iā€™d just let your daughter decide. Having Virginia Tech engineering within driving distance for us (and we were 5 hours away, not 3) was nice. But, plenty of kids do hop on planes to get to school . These are both great schools for engineering. Good luck with the decision.

Thanks! Yes, decision will be hers. Just trying to make sure sheā€™s taking most of the important factors into consideration.

Cost, logistics, fit , weather are all important factors. What factors beyond that are your/her key concerns? These are both long-standing , well regarded ABET accredited engineering programs, both with excellent outcomes and great recruiting. And I think both have programs for first year engineering students before choosing your specific major. I know VT has great school spirit, great D1 sports, nice campus, and loyal alumni. And their food seems to do well in rankings of that. Iā€™m not that familiar with Purdue , except knowing itā€™s also a great option. We drove through the Purdue campus last year and it seemed nice. You really canā€™t go wrong with either.

Hoping for some insight. My student is admitted to the Honors program for Architecture.
He is as follows: ACT: 34 (took once), 4.5 (W). 9 APs, numerous honors classes. 300+ hours of architecture internship and had a PT job in retail for last two years. Service, music awards as well. We know VT is extremely well-respected and a top architecture school.
However, we are West Coast residents. Letā€™s just say options for this side of the Mississippi did not work out.

Is also admitted to Syracuse. We are going to visit both this month.
Anyone know students who are opposite coast residents and found the transition to be no problem?
Thank you!!! And best of luck to all!

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One other factor could be where your daughter wants to end up after college. Both schools will have kids that could end up all over the place . But, more VT kids will probably end up in northern Virginia, DC, Richmond, North Carolina, etc. I would guess lots of Purdue kids end up in places like Chicago, Indianapolis, etc. right out of college . But, as I said, Iā€™m not that familiar with Purdue

Another consideration could be -do you want to or does your daughter want you to visit campus regularly -attend a performance, football or basketball game, etc. Easier if you are closer but not impossible if youā€™re not.